question or me just ranting...i find that ever since i got pregnant i look like crap..i look at pics pre pregg?

2008-12-08 8:55 pm
and i looked so much better..they say u should have the glow but i feel quite getting so much acne ( i know they say this is common) and overall feel i look like crap...any1 else experience this..

im 12 wks pregnant

回答 (12)

2008-12-08 9:00 pm
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looks like someones having a girl!! haha jk they say when you have a girl they take all the pretty from you for them selfs..

no i had all boys and some days i just felt like crap!!
2008-12-08 8:58 pm
Yup...hopefully the glow will come. How far along are you? By the second trimester usually you get used to being pregnant and most of the yucky stuff is over like morning sickness and you have a little more energy to put into your appeareance. I looked like crap through most of my first trimester.
2008-12-08 9:04 pm

I have my days of cute pregnant girl... And then I have my BLAH.. Big, sloppy, chubby, ugly, greasy, pimply pregnant hag... LoL...

But just remember that no one sees the "flaws" you think are there. The man that did this to you (as I refer to my husband when I'm in those moods!!) still thinks you're beautiful, if not more beautiful than ever. This will all be over soon, it's for a great cause and worth EVERY pimple!!

If that doesn't work, treat yourself to a spa day, a new haircut or some new clothes and an ice cream!!!

Congrats on the baby to be!!!
參考: 29 weeks.
2008-12-08 8:59 pm
Yes I am exactly the same!! I look like crap most of the time but then for like a week my acne will go away, my hair will actually look good, etc...but then it just goes back to grotie. Must be hormones going up and down?
2008-12-08 9:16 pm
It's hard to feel "pretty" when you're bloated, tired and nauseated. I am in my 9th week now and all I want to do is lie in bed, wrapped in blankets and sleep so I don't have to worry about if my hair's a mess or if my pimples are showing. I do hope that everything will be better once the ugly symptoms of the first trimester are gone. I am seriously looking forward to second trimester.
2008-12-08 9:07 pm
The only thing that kept me from feelin like that was my man he was great! Always complimenting me touching me touching my belly it was then that I started not caring because I looked great 2 the most important person no matter how I saw myself!
2008-12-08 9:04 pm
Blah! With my first I felt good about myself for maybe the first 2 months. It was downhill after that. Not trying to be negative...but I personally never regained myself. I got down to my pre preg weight...I had people tell me I looked better than before, but all I see are stretch marks and loose skin. Now I'm 2 months pregnant again and I don't really even like to leave the house. I stay in a robe and pj's all day. It's pathetic. lol So I know where you are coming from.
2008-12-08 9:03 pm
Oh heck yeah. That first trimester is awful. You look and feel awful. As for the acne it is your hormones going nuts causing this and will get better. For now try some spot treatment like oxy 10 or persagel. Drink lots os water, helps with bloating and the acne. By the 2nd trimester you will get that glow and you will feel better. Then comes the 3rd trimester. lol. The 3rd trimester is worse then the 1st.
參考: 35 weeks with baby number 5
2008-12-08 9:01 pm
I feel the same way. I don't feel as attractive as I did before I got pregnant. My husband constantly tries to reassure me but it doesn't help. I'm not showing yet but my stomach has gotten a little flabby because I've been eating so much. So I can't wear any of my form fitting tops anymore. Oh and lets not talk about acne, mine is the worse. I do have a glow though, I can see it. My face just looks different and I really hate it.
2008-12-08 9:00 pm
Yes. The other day I was trying to think of the benefits of being pregnant, WHAT BENEFITS. I guess getting a license to eat dessert could count...

My skin is breaking out and I've never had this problem. Don't worry, it's supposed to go away shortly after giving birth. We will see.
參考: 34 weeks pregnant

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