eng grammar

2008-12-09 3:00 am
someone is illegally parked~~
點解用passive voice```五係應該the car is illegally parked~~~

回答 (1)

2008-12-09 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
someone is illegally parked<-------Incomplete sentence!
Someone has illegally parked the car in the parking lot.
( Present perfect tense in active voice)
Someone parked the car in the parking lot.
( Simple past tense in active voice)

The car has been illegally parked in the parking lot.
( present perfect tense in PASSIVE voice)
has been illegally(adverb) parked <-------------------passive voice
The car was illegally parked in the parking lot.
( Simple past tense in PASSIVE voice)
was illegally(adverb) parked<------------------Passive voice

That's it.


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