
2008-12-09 12:18 am

回答 (6)

2008-12-09 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. will pass through this event to affect you to purchase other products the confidence?
2. how many times before the event will have, your one month to patronize? 3. ask that you will patronize once more?
4. ask that you will therefore patronize other similar shops ?

2008-12-08 16:21:22 補充:
1. will pass through this event to affect you to purchase other products the confidence?
2. how many times before the event will have, your one month to patronize?
3. ask that you will patronize once more?
4. ask that you will therefore patronize other similar shops ?
記得比分我thx!! -v-""
2008-12-09 7:51 pm
1) Will this affect your confidence of shopping for other items?
2) How often you'd purchased here within a month before the incident?
3) Will you buy anything here again ?
4) Will you buy from other shops in future inspired of this?
參考: self
2008-12-09 6:21 am
1. will pass through this event to affect you to purchase other products the confidence?
2. how many times before the event will have, your one month to patronize? 3. ask that you will patronize once more?
4. ask that you will therefore patronize other similar shops ?
2008-12-09 2:09 am
1. will pass through this event to affect you to purchase other products the confidence?
2. how many times before the event will have, your one month to patronize?
3. ask that you will patronize once more?
4. ask that you will therefore patronize other similar shops
參考: yahoo聰明筆
2008-12-09 12:46 am
1. will pass through this event to affect you to purchase other products the confidence?
2. how many times before the event will have, your one month to patronize? 3. ask that you will patronize once more?
4. ask that you will therefore patronize other similar shops ?
2008-12-09 12:41 am
1.經過這次事件, 會影響你購買其他產品的信心?
Please kindly advise if it will affect your confidence for purchasing
our another merchandises after passing through the incident ?

How many times did you come here to purchase merchandises before
the incident happened ?

Please excuse to my enquiry that if you would like to come here again ?

After the incident has happened, if you would like to make choice to another shops ?

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