
2008-12-09 12:16 am
如果想由AL math. level 起 (已完成AL math) 自修數學至微分幾何既程度用邊幾本書好?

My Question is:
If I want to study math by myself from AL math. (have already finish AL math) to the level of differential geometry. Which books should I use?
no matter in Chinese or English

回答 (2)

2008-12-12 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
你直接看"Elementary differential Geometry"也沒甚麼意思﹐因為個background不夠﹐硬來也沒用的。

2008-12-11 23:21:41 補充:

2008-12-11 23:23:05 補充:
我不懷疑The Witch君說的是好書。不過還是認為循序漸進較好
2008-12-09 7:25 am
Too lazy to type Chinese, Hope I can help you in this topic, as I did differential geometry as my dissertation, so I did kind of learn this topic by myself with a little help from my dissertation superviors, at that point he recommond two book for me as the main sourse to my project.

Geometry from a Differentiable Viewpoint and Elementary Differential Geometry (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics) (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics) (Paperback)

I found the "Elementary differential Geometry" is much easier to read, however, before you get into this topic, i think it will be better for you do some learning on Vector Calculus.

2008-12-09 22:48:23 補充:
I think you should try to read the "Elementary differential Geometry", then once you found something you dont understand then you can learn it from different sourse, but if you can do some Vector Calculus first, I think that do really help a lot.

2008-12-13 03:06:07 補充:
I just want to ask if myisland8132 is a differential geometror or not. Honestly, you really "DONT" need to have so much background to do centrain stuff. it is not about 急於求成!

2008-12-13 03:06:14 補充:
What I am going to say to you is, if you never did the subject and you never know what is that, then please keep your mouth shut. Pretty honest with you is even tho you read all the books you said, and honestly, that is not really that related at all.

2008-12-13 03:07:12 補充:
One more thing, when I did "Elementary differential Geometry" is in my first year, I dont even do the HKAL before I really read the book.
參考: I did my UG dissertation project on differential geometry.

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