Mortgage formula problem!

2008-12-08 7:13 am
I want to buy a apartment, and I have no knowledge about how to calculate the monthly installment rate. Can some body tell me the formula?

It is useful but can somebody show me the equation? Thanks.

回答 (1)

2008-12-08 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let try following functions under MS Excel

1. Calculate the monthly payment
Rate = annual interest rate / 12 (eg. 3% / 12 = 0.03/12)
Term = number of installment to settle the loan (eg. 10 yrs = 10 x 12 = 120months)
PV = loan amount ($1000,000)

2. Calculate the loan amount
=PV(rate, term, payment)
Rate = annual interest rate / 12 (eg. 3% / 12 = 0.03/12)
Term = number of installment to settle the loan (eg. 10 yrs = 10 x 12 = 120 months)
payment = amount of monthly installment (eg $9000)

4. Calculate the number of installment
Rate = annual interest rate / 12 (eg. 3% / 12 = 0.03/12)
payment = amount of monthly installment (eg $9000)
PV = loan amount ($1000,000)
參考: Hope you understand, let check help under MS Excel for detail

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