
2008-12-08 6:54 am
我喜歡講笑話英文點講呢?I like to make jokes.甘得唔得呢?

回答 (6)

2008-12-08 7:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
講笑話係tell jokes, make jokes係製造笑位,即係香港人講嘅搞gag。
I like to tell jokes
I like telling jokes
2008-12-08 10:16 pm
005 has my vote. To tell jokes <------------100% correct!

" Jokes" here is a countable noun. Same things go to " to tell a lie".

To lie ( v), to tell(v) a lie( noun). To tell jokes <------ doesn't mean to tell and joke.
2008-12-08 7:06 am
I like joking.

2008-12-07 23:08:08 補充:
In 1975 anthropologist Mary Douglas noted that "Joking as one mode of expression has yet to be interpreted in its total relation to other modes of expression";[1] scholar Seth Graham remarked that 30 years later this statement remains largely valid.
參考: , Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2008-12-08 6:59 am


係:( I like telling the joke very much. )
參考: My small wisdom.....
2008-12-08 6:57 am
I like kidding.

2008-12-07 22:59:41 補充:
i like to made jokes都得.
而 i love to tell jokes 係錯的..字面意思係"我鍾意講笑話",但係"joke"係唔會配"tell",加上"joke"哩個字本身都已經有"講"o既意思.
2008-12-08 6:56 am
should be "I love to tell jokes."

2008-12-07 23:06:49 補充:
i like to made jokes 係錯的 because made is past tense
參考: me

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