[急!!!] 香港街頭小食既英文.. 20分

2008-12-08 5:26 am
1. 香港街頭小食

2. 咖哩魚旦

3. 魚肉燒賣

4. 雞蛋仔

5. 格仔餅

6. 嗅豆腐

7. 煎釀三寶

8. 碗仔翅

9. 糖蔥餅

10. 炒栗子

11. 腸粉

12. 珍珠奶茶

13. 叮叮糖

做project用既, 唔該各位高人幫幫手!!!!!
thank you!!!!!

回答 (1)

2008-12-10 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 香港街頭小食 – Local Snacks in Hong Kong / Street-side Snack Stalls in Hong
2. 咖哩魚蛋 – Curry Fish Balls
3. 魚肉燒賣 – Fish Meat Shao Mai / Fish Shaomai
4. 雞蛋仔Egg Waffle / Egg Puff
5. 格仔餅 - Hong Kong Style Waffle - called a "grid cake" (格仔餅) in Hong Kong, is a waffle usually made and sold by street hawkers and eaten warm on the street. They are similar to a traditional waffle but larger, round in shape and divided into four quarters. They are usually served as a snack. Butter, peanut butter and sugar are spread on one side of the cooked waffle and then it is folded into a semi circle to eat.
6. 臭豆腐 –Deep Fried Stiny Tofu
7. 煎釀三寶 –Three Stuffed Treasures: Stuffed eggplant; Stuffed Bell Pepper; Stuffed Bean Curd / Fried Bell Pepper, Bean Curd and Eggplant Stuffed with Fish Meat
8. 碗仔翅 – (Fake) Shark fin Soup in Bowl - Though it is called Shark’s Fin Soup, there is no shark’s fin. Real shark’s fin soup was expensive and average people in the old days could hardly have a chance to taste the soup. Thus hawkers started to make a dish by rice vermicelli which looked like real shark’s fin soup. This fake soup was then well received by average people. Beside rice vermicelli, there were pork, egg, elm fungi, dried black mushrooms and water chestnut starch. This soup is served with vinegar, sesame oil and pepper powder.
9. 糖蔥餅 – Spring Field Pizza / Sweet Green Biscuits
10. 炒栗子 – Stired-fried Chestnuts
11. 腸粉 - Rice Noodle Roll / Cheong Fun /Steamed Vermicelli Roll
12. 珍珠奶茶 – Milk Tea with Pearl Tapioca

13. 叮叮糖 – Crystal Flower/ Ding Ding Candy - In traditional Ding Ding candy, the candy is shaped like a big lollipop and is stored in an iron box. It is broken into little pieces in different shapes with a tool like a hammer.Its sound is like ding, ding, ding... from hammered at Ding Ding candy.

2008-12-10 15:37:08 補充:
我已經參考過很多有關食品公司網頁及香港街頭小食網頁,對以上小食的英文翻譯,由於以上小食大部份都是反映香港小食的特色,所以有不同名稱的翻譯,但都能表示到香港小食的特色和和意思,所以我建議你在小食名稱後加上解釋會更好。另外香港的碗仔翅因為是沒有魚翅,所以建議你加上fake就不會做成誤導。至於叮叮糖一詞,我見到有些網頁是翻譯為Crystal Flower或Ding Ding Candy,但我覺得用Ding Ding Candy會較好,因為叮叮糖是取自鑿碎叮叮糖時發出叮叮聲而來。並希望以上資料能幫到你忙。

2008-12-10 15:37:51 補充:

2008-12-10 15:38:03 補充:
參考: 網上+自己意見

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