巴黎4日, 瑞士3日, 羅馬3日 自由行, 交通問題

2008-12-08 3:49 am
我同一個朋友買左1月25日由香港去巴黎, 2月4日由羅馬返香港的機票, 準備自由行, 一共11日, 行程分別係巴黎4日, 瑞士3日, 羅馬3日, 聽人講由巴黎去瑞士, 同埋由瑞士去羅馬,
1. 請問我地o係巴黎o係邊度搭車(旅遊巴)最近瑞士 ? 我地在巴黎的行程次序未定, 好大機會會根據呢個上車地點而決定
2. 會唔會買唔到票? 洗唔洗一早book 定 ?
3. 如果touchwood 搭唔到車, 而要轉搭火車的話, 當日再買火車票會否太遲 ? 會唔會有機會買唔到 ?

去到瑞士, 可以建議一下我地在瑞士的行程嗎 ? 因為我同個朋友都係未去過的, 我地兩個都係想去硫森, 除了呢個地方之外, 仲有咩地方去呢? 可以比d意見嗎 ?

在瑞士去羅馬, 係唔係搭車(旅遊巴) 會好過搭火車呢 ? 邊道上車會最方便 ?

問左好多問題, 各位幫忙比d意見...

回答 (1)

2008-12-08 9:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.巴黎去瑞士搭旅遊巴?? It takes at least 5 hours from Paris to the Swiss border via express train. If you 搭旅遊巴I do not know how long it will take you. Plus not many people will choose 旅遊巴由巴黎去瑞士. I wonder how often is the bus frequency.
1. 如果搭火車的話, 當日再買火車票不會太遲. 唔會有機會買唔到 because it is not peak season now.
2. 如果搭火車由巴黎去瑞士的話, you should choose a hotel near gare d’nord (north train station) or gare d’est (east train station). These 2 stations are very close to each other. 巴黎去瑞士的火車由 north train station 出發.
3. 去到瑞士, 可以建議一下我地在瑞士的行程嗎 ? Please see my answer to this question. I have put down some places which I believe is best in 瑞士 : http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7008101300367
4. 在瑞士去羅馬, again you should搭火車. Any city near south west Switzerland is fine. Switzerland is quite small so if you want to leave from Luzern, then there is only one train station leads to other places.

Have a nice journey!
參考: Myself

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