
2008-12-08 2:35 am
盡量不要用網上的翻譯 & 軟件,

感激不盡 T.T


這是世界第一名女太空人 - 瓦連金娜.捷列科娃所說的名言。駕駛前蘇聯的太空船 - 東方6號的她,一個人在完全寂靜與虛無的宇宙空間漂浮著,沒有依存的狐獨感以及…同時將逃離所有束縛的解放感比擬成一隻海鷗,將這訊息送到地球的管制員處。


打錯字… 孤獨感 才對 =.="

回答 (4)

2008-12-08 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案

這是世界第一名女太空人 - 瓦連金娜.捷列科娃所說的名言。駕駛前蘇聯的太空船 - 東方6號的她,一個人在完全寂靜與虛無的宇宙空間漂浮著,沒有依存的狐獨感以及…同時將逃離所有束縛的解放感比擬成一隻海鷗,將這訊息送到地球的管制員處。

I am a seagull

It is the world's first female astronaut - Valentin Na. Kewa Tereshkova said the well-known. Driving the former Soviet Union, the spacecraft - the East on the 6th of her in a completely quiet and empty space of a floating, no interdependence of the fox, as well as a sense of independence ... at the same time to escape the shackles of the liberation of all the match into a sense of seagulls, the Message sent to the controller of the Office of the earth.

I think this is a great way of performance.
2008-12-13 11:10 am
"It is I, Sea Gull"

This was the radio call sign of Valentina VladimirovnaTereshkova, the world's first female astronaut. She was the pilot of the former USSR space shuttle, Vostok 6. She spent three days aloft before returning safely to earth. Surrounded by the solitude and vastness of space, she was like a seagull circulating freely in the sky, without boundaries and without limits.

""It is I, Sea Gull. I see the horizon. There is a blue stripe. This is the Earth. How beautiful it is! Everything is going well. Hello, Universe."

The seagull is indeed the perfect call sign.
2008-12-08 2:36 am
Is the sea gull

This is world first female spaceman - tile Lian Jinna. The Czechoslovakia row branch baby said famous saying. Drives former Soviet Union's space ship - East 6 her, a person in is floating completely silent with the nihility space, does not have the interdependence fox alone feeling as well as…Simultaneously will flee all fetters the liberation feeling to compare a sea gull, delivers Earth's controller place this news.

I thought that this is the very good performance way.
參考: 我自己,譯左1小時
2008-12-08 2:36 am
I am the sea gull

This is world first female spaceman - tile Lian Jinna. The Czechoslovakia row branch baby said famous saying. Drives former Soviet Union's space ship - East 6 her, a person in is floating completely silent with the nihility space, does not have the interdependence fox alone feeling as well as…Simultaneously will flee all fetters the liberation feeling to compare a sea gull, delivers Earth's controller place this news.

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