F.1 Maths(Two queations)急!(20分)

2008-12-08 12:05 am
1.If a man sells a chair at $285,then the loss percent is 5%.Find his profit

percent if he increase the selling price by 20%.

2.Jacky used $40000 to buy 5000 dolls from a toy manufacturer.He doubled

the price for each doll and sold them in the Luner New Year Market.After

the market was closed,750 dolls were left unsold.

(a) What was jacky's profit percent if all the unsold dolls were donated to


回答 (3)

2008-12-08 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
The original cost of the chair is,
= 285 ÷(1-5%)
= 285 ÷(0.95)
The selling price after increased by 20% is,
= 285*(1 +20%)
= 285*(1.2)
= $342
∴his profit percent is,
= (342-300) ÷300*100%
= 14%

The original price of each doll
= 40000÷5000
= $8
The market price of each doll
= 8 *2
= $16
∴total money earned
= 16*(5000-750)
= $68000
∴ the Profit percentage is,
= 70%

2008-12-07 23:46:10 補充:
"*" 即是乘以的意思,因手寫"X"和英文/未知數"x"相似,所以用"*"
2008-12-08 12:32 am
1)The cost of that chair=285/(1-5%) =$300
The new profit after increasing=285*(1+20%)=285*1.2=$342
The profit percentage=(342-300)/300*100%=42/300*100%=14%
2)Selling Price of each doll=(40000/5000)*2=8*2=$16
As all the unsold dolls were donated to charities.So The total profit he make
Profit percentage=28000/40000*100%=70%

2008-12-08 12:22 am
Q1 i dont know
Q2.) (40000-50000)-750

Qa) Q1=Anwen -Q2= anwen

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