
2008-12-07 9:18 pm
I would like to have dim sum.
I would like to eat egg tarts.
I would like to try Peking duck.
以上的“have“eat”“try”可否掉轉來用???例如:I would like to try egg tarts.如果不可以的,請告訴我“have“eat”“try”怎用

回答 (2)

2008-12-07 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let's look at the objects now.
egg tarts( you use an "S".) I bet you know "tart" is a countable noun.
Peking ducks<---------This is countable too.
Dim sum <------------- no s's
Are you talking about that Peking duck or are you referring to
"Peking duckS"?
About " dim dum", we usually use it as a non-count noun.
1) I would like to have ( some)dim sum.

2) I would like to eat ( some) egg tarts.

3) I would like to try ( that/the/this/a) Peking ducks.
It depends on which Peking duck you are talking about.
If there is not a Peking duck on the table and you just want to say
you'd like to try/eat/have ( that kind of food), you should then say
" I would like to try Peking ducks.".
Same things go to ** I like apples."""
You'd NOT say " I like apple." <--------------
" apple" is a countable noun and you mean " apples" = any kind of apples -- green ones or red ones.( Just any kind of apples you would like)
"To eat " verus "to have"
They mean the same in this case, but native English speakers tend to
use" have" here.
1) I want to eat some egg tarts. = I want to have some egg tarts.
A gweiloh( white guy) would say " I had dinner with my friends." while
a Chinese fellow would probably say " I ate dinner with my friends.".
How about the word " try" here?
Trying the Peking duck, for example, means you eat/have/taste it.
It doesn't mean " you only touch it" right?
According to all these, of course you may say:
1) I would like to eat ( some) egg tarts.
2) I would like to have( some) egg tarts.
3) I would like to try ( some) egg tarts.
Note: When you say" you want to try (some) egg tarts ", it also implies(意味著) that
***you have never eaten egg tarts before.****
1) and 2) don't carry this meaning!!
That's it for now. I hope you understand their differences.
By the way, that's a nice question you brought up.
2008-12-07 10:34 pm
I don't really understand what you are trying to ask. but according to your example, you are right.

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