中譯英中譯英中譯英!!! 急!!!!!! 10 點

2008-12-07 9:00 am
請問可唔可以幫下我譯呀 ::

上次真係好對唔住呀 , 其實我都好鍾意同你 e 個朋友傾計ga , 只不過我英文表達能力有限 , 有時想講的野都表達唔到 , 所以我回覆通常都比較慢 !! 希望你唔好介意我 e 個咁麻煩的朋友啦 !! 但係遲 d 我一定會學好 d 英文 , 我保證 ~ 哈哈

同埋我想問下你可唔可以比你個地址我呀 , 我想寄張聖誕卡比你呀 !!

(用 d 口語 d 的英文都唔怕) thxxxxxxx

回答 (2)

2008-12-07 9:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
上次真係好對唔住呀 , 其實我都好鍾意同你 e 個朋友傾計ga , 只不過我英文表達能力有限 , 有時想講的野都表達唔到 , 所以我回覆通常都比較慢 !! 希望你唔好介意我 e 個咁麻煩的朋友啦 !! 但係遲 d 我一定會學好 d 英文 , 我保證 ~ 哈哈

同埋我想問下你可唔可以比你個地址我呀 , 我想寄張聖誕卡比你呀 !!

How are ya doin'? I am terribly sorry about what I did last time.
Actually talking to that friend of yours is pretty kewl, but ya know
I can't express myself in English well.It often takes me
a longer time to answer a question . Hope you won't mind me being that troublesome.
I am telling I am gonna brush up this language.
You have my words! Hahaha!!!!!!!! ^_^
Oops! I almost forgot to ask you for yer addy.
Nothing much! I just wanna send you an X-max card.
Please write me back.
Note: "addy"( slang) for address kewl = cool yer=your
You asked for it. O_O 用 d 口語 d 的英文都唔怕)

2008-12-07 9:27 am
i am sorry about last time
i really love to chat with you
unfortunately my english is not quite well
i can't tell you what i really want to tell you
and i reply slowly
i hope that you don't mind
would you mind giving me your address
i want to send you a christmas card

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