
2008-12-07 5:40 am
[your teachers wants to buy a mobile phone for her son, who is in form 1. She has asked your group for advice]呢個係題目..

回答 (1)

2008-12-07 8:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
umm... first of all, the chief consideration taken is of course functions! it all depends on the purpose of using phones by her son, but, as we all know, the more functions the phone has, the higher price it costs!

as such, her son's still in form 1. he's nothing to do about the functions but uses the phone to make a call to our teacher for telling her his safety and keeping calm. therefore, all he really needs to own is about a basic mobile phone with the only function --- communication. that's enough, i suppose.

2008-12-08 18:22:31 補充:
umm... 首先, 最主要的考慮因素當然就是功能! 這視乎他使用的目的, 然而我們都知道: 愈多功能, 愈高價錢!

就其而言, 她的孩子只就讀中一。多功能對他而言是沒有用途的, 他只用手提電話來向我們的老師報平安。因此, 他所要擁有的是一部只有簡單功能的手提電話 - 通訊功能,我認為這就足夠了。
參考: , .....自己

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