想問一下 商業問題

2008-12-06 11:38 pm
有一個名詞去描述 d貨品集中在某一條街或某一商場.
for example: 波鞋街集中買波鞋,黃金集中買電腦產品

有冇人可以講下叫什麼 ( english)

回答 (2)

2008-12-07 2:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
to consolidate / to centralize

兩個都係集合 / 集中意思.

Hope can help you, tks!
參考: my experience
2008-12-07 6:04 am
Square, Mall, Market, Street, District, Area... Depending the place where the goods are located e.g. Shopping Arcade, Shopping Mall ( Inside a building ), Shopping Market, Shopping Dsictrict ( Likely in an open area )
So, you can call Sports Wear Street, Sports Wear District etc..

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