世上無難事,只怕有心人 GE英文

2008-12-06 10:05 pm
世上無難事,只怕有心人 可以幫5我釋做英文嗎? THX

回答 (3)

2008-12-07 2:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案

No task in the world is too difficult for someone with a strong determination to achieve.
2008-12-10 2:19 am
Nothing can stop someone from success if who has an extreme will.
extreme will - 極度的決心 = 有心(人).
This is translated from the meaning from 世上無難事,只怕有心人. and not word by word.
參考: self
2008-12-06 10:42 pm
Nothing is difficult when you put you heart in it.

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