How does cloth absorb water and clear the dust?

2008-12-06 6:53 am
Same as the title..
How does cloth absorb water and clear the dust?

回答 (2)

2008-12-06 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Chloth is made from cotton which is knitted from the cotton fibre.
The fibre has capillary force to suck in liquid so making the cloth is
absorptive. Dust is like oil which has a lower surface tension so when
a wet towel moves over dust which is easy absorbed to the high sur-
face tension surface--wet towel.
2008-12-06 3:59 pm
It is because cloth is in low density(desnsity=mass/volume).By diffusion,high density will diffuse to low density.Hence,water will go to the low density automatic.
When the water is absorb,the cloth have a vicosity with water,為流體的一種性質,流體分子間互相移動所產生的阻抗,使流體流動產生摩擦損失.
Hence,the dust will absorb easily.

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