可否幫我翻譯一篇英文(thank you)

2008-12-06 2:30 am
我這篇係用來presentation(thank you)
甘多位,我係Penny,今次個project我要負責既Client係Samual,佢俾我既平面圖係位於香港既海怡半島33樓高層單位, 屬於鑽石形設計既住宅….我同佢都傾過幾次,佢比我既感覺係一個外表冷酷專制,但實質熱情開放既人。點解甘講?? 係我design佢個dream house果陣,佢有個好重要既要求,就係一定要有個開放式既廚房,仲有個特大既雪櫃,令我覺得佢係一個好識享受人生既人,而起呢個dream house入面相信佢經常會逗留既地方一定會係廚房,整個dream house既空間係用黑,白,啡來做配搭,我因應佢既要求去設計過幾個Option,仲分別同Jason傾過。
Option A:太平凡,好普通,冇特別;
Option B:冇一個地方設計係好既;
Option C:剩係得個Shower係比較好點;
Option D:整體design唔錯,但要再develop個沖涼房同個三角形裡面既酒櫃和魚缸;
到最後,我經過Jason既多次“洗禮”,終於設計出一個比較好既design,但係真係要多謝Jason比左好多好好既意見比我,先會有而家既Option 5。
請大家睇吓,我係將直線同曲線二合為一來組合一個睇上去好普通既空間,左手邊我用左直線同石材來形造冷漠同硬朗既感覺,而呢個開放式既廚房會占左整個 living area既大部分,而右手邊我會用曲線和木材來形造温暖既感覺來設計佢自己既私人空間,造出兩種唔同形狀既對比(包括左有直線和曲線),而最後呢個3D drawing是根據我搜集既資料而設計出來,請大家比點意見。

回答 (6)

2008-12-06 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning everyone,today I am Penny.of this a project I have to be responsible for both Client Department of Samual, so I plan drainage system at Hong Kong's South Horizons is the top floor, 33, belongs to the diamond-shaped design of both residential ... I have the same channel dumping Several times, I feel than the drainage system outside of a cold-blooded dictatorship, but in real terms in both warm and open person. Why talk about Gan? Line I design a dream house Qu fruit Front, a good drainage is important demands on the system must be open not only in the kitchen, Zhong You not only a large refrigerator, so I think a good canal system Know not only enjoy life, then into a dream house into the surface drainage often believe that the stay will be both local Department of the kitchen, the whole dream house both the Department of Space with black, white, brown do match, in response to my request to both the drainage design had Several Option, with Mr Jason dump-off.

2008-12-05 22:02:14 補充:
Option A: too ordinary, common good, with no particular; Option B: a place there is a good system design; Option C: a Department of left-Shower-point line better; Option D: Wucuo the overall design, but have to develop a bathroom with a triangular bar both inside and fish tank;

2008-12-05 22:02:30 補充:
In the end, after Jason and I both many times, "baptism", and finally to design both a better design, but really would like to thank the Department of Jason left than a lot of good views of both than I am, and will be home to both Option 5.

2008-12-05 22:02:59 補充:
Please keep a close watch on all scared, I will be straight line curve with the two parts of a portfolio to get a closer look at both the general good space, I left with the left to form a straight line with the stone cold made it tough with the feeling,

2008-12-05 22:03:24 補充:
and it is open kitchen will be Left as a whole accounted for the majority of both the living area, while the right hand side and I will use the curve-shaped timber made to feel the warmth of both the design not only their own private space channel,

2008-12-05 22:03:29 補充:
the two create a contrast not only the shape of Wu Tong , In the end it is a 3D drawing I have collected data not only designed, please than points.
2008-12-12 2:30 pm
Hello everyone, my name is Penny. My client for this project is Samual and his apartment unit on the 33rd floor at South Horizons in Hong Kong. The unit is a typical diamond-shaped floor plan. I have met with Samual a few times to discuss the aspect of the project and from the meetings I've learned that although he seems like a very cool person on the outside, he's actually very warm and emotional. He has requested for a an open kitchen and a big fridge. He has given me the impression that the kitchen should be one of the main focus of the apartment. For the interior palette, we have chosen black and white with brown as an accent color. I have drafted a few plans according to the different ideas that we've derived and I have also went over the plans with Jason.

Option A: Too plain and bland.
Option B: The design plan is bad.
Option C: The shower is the only thing that works.
Option D: The design on the whole is not bad, but the bathroom, wine cellar and the aquarium needs a bit more work.

After a few more adjustments and changes, we've finally arrived at the final design - Option E.

In this design, we are using simple lines to accent the space. On this side, we're using straight lines and stone to create a strong and crisp tone. The open kitchen will be the main focus of the living area. On the other side, we are using curves and wood to create a warm tone. This will complement the warm side of our client's personality.

Here is a 3D drawing of the design. Any feedback or comments?
2008-12-07 8:05 am
HI, a number of Gan, Department of Penny, a project of this I have to be responsible for both Client Department of Samual, so I plan drainage system at Hong Kong's South Horizons is the top floor, 33, belongs to the diamond-shaped design of both residential .... I have the same channel Have been dumped several times, I feel drainage system than the appearance of a cold-blooded dictatorship, but in real terms in both warm and open person. Why talk about Gan?? Line I design a dream house Qu fruit Front, a good drainage is important demands on the system must be open not only in the kitchen, Zhong You not only a large refrigerator, so I think a good canal system Know not only enjoy life, then into a dream house into the surface drainage often believe that the stay will be both local Department of the kitchen, the whole dream house both the Department of Space with black, white, brown do match, in response to my request to both the drainage design had Several Option, with Mr Jason dump-off.
Option A: too ordinary, common good, with no particular;
Option B: a place there is a good system design;
Option C: a Department of left-Shower-point line better;
Option D: Wucuo the overall design, but have to develop a bathroom with a triangular bar both inside and fish tank;
In the end, after Jason and I both many times,"baptism",and finally to design both a better design,but really would like to thank the Department of Jason left than a lot of good views of both than I am,and will be home to both Option 5.

2008-12-07 00:07:40 補充:
Please keep a close watch on all scared, I will be straight line curve with the two parts of a portfolio to get a closer look at both the general good space, I left with the left to form a straight line with the stone cold made it tough with the feeling,

2008-12-07 00:08:04 補充:
and it is open kitchen will be Left as a whole accounted for the majority of both the living area,while the right hand side and I will use the curve-shaped timber made to feel the warmth of both the design not only their own private space channel,

2008-12-07 00:08:10 補充:
the two create a contrast not only the shape of Wu Tong (left there, including a straight line and curve), In the end it is a 3D drawing I have collected data not only designed, please than points.
2008-12-06 6:25 am

2008-12-05 22:25:39 補充:
2008-12-06 3:52 am
Some grammer is wrong,sorry!Please correct it.

HI ~~~~~~
A number of Gan, I am Penny, a project of this I have to be responsible for both Client Department of Samual, so I plan drainage system at Hong Kong's South Horizons is the top floor, 33, belongs to the diamond-shaped design of both residential .... I have the same channel dumping Several times, I feel than the drainage system outside of a cold-blooded dictatorship, but in real terms in both warm and open person. Why talk about Gan?? Line I design a dream house Qu fruit Front, a good drainage is important demands on the system must be open not only in the kitchen, Zhong You not only a large refrigerator, so I think a good canal system Know not only enjoy life, then into a dream house into the surface drainage often believe that the stay will be both local Department of the kitchen, the whole dream house both the Department of Space with black, white, brown do match, in response to my request to both the drainage design had Several Option, with Mr Jason dump-off.
Option A: too ordinary, common good, with no particular;
Option B: a place there is a good system design;
Option C: a Department of left-Shower-point line better;
Option D: Wucuo the overall design, but have to develop a bathroom with a triangular bar both inside and fish tank;
In the end, after Jason and I both many times, "baptism", and finally to design both a better design, but really would like to thank the Department of Jason left than a lot of good views of both than I am, and will be home to both Option 5.

2008-12-05 19:53:37 補充:
Please keep a close watch on all scared, I will be straight line curve with the two parts of a portfolio to get a closer look at both the general good space,

2008-12-05 19:54:03 補充:
I left with the left to form a straight line with the stone cold made it tough with the feeling, and it is open kitchen will be Left as a whole accounted for the majority of both the living area,

2008-12-05 19:54:22 補充:
while the right hand side and I will use the curve-shaped timber made to feel the warmth of both the design not only their own private space channel,

2008-12-05 19:54:31 補充:
the two create a contrast not only the shape of Wu Tong (left there, including a straight line and curve), In the end it is a 3D drawing I have collected data not only designed, please than points.

Try Your Best!加油!我支持你!!!
參考: Google Translate, Google Translate, Google Translate, Google Translate, Google Translate
2008-12-06 3:17 am

參考: me

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