Articles (a, an, the) 冠詞
(1)a – 放在第一個字母是啞音的名詞前面:a book, a cup, a dog, a ball
(2)an -放在第一個字母是響音 (即a, e, I, o, u) 的名詞前面:an apple, an egg, an umbrella, an orange.
a university, a uniform, a one-way ticket
an hour, an honest boy, an heir.
(3.1) the – 放在獨一無二的東西前面:the sun, the moon, the earth.
(3.2) the - 放在最高級形容詞前面:the youngest girl, the strongest boy, the thickest book.
(3.3) the - 放在河流,海洋,島嶼,山脈的名稱前面:the Yellow River, the Pacific Ocean, the Hawaiian Island, the Himalayas.
(3.4) the - 放在之前已提及過的人物或物件前面:
I saw a girl this morning. The girl is David’s sister.
星期:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
月份:January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
參考: dictionary