Electrocardiogram or EBCT heartscan

2008-12-06 1:02 am
What's the diffence between these two tests?

Which one should be chosen?

I noted EBCT heartscan in annual body check program offered by a hospital. Is it a very powerful test? or just a prelimenary test as it is under body check program?

回答 (1)

2008-12-08 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Electrocardiogram = ECG or EKG = 心電圖。
EBCT = Electron Bean Computer Aid Tonograghy = 心臟電腦素描的一種。
兩種 test 都係用於有特別目的的心臟檢查。要視乎樓主係什麼狀況,同想搵乜野先知邊個 test 適合喎。

2008-12-09 11:51:15 補充:
EBCT, or Ultrafast CT (as the technique will be termed here) is designed to measure total calcium deposits in the coronary arteries. Just better than Stress EKG. Not as good and powerful as those CT-Angiography today which will give location of blockages in the coronaries as well.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 10:24:12
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