澳洲自由行行程 - 11天

2008-12-05 6:29 pm
會係3月頭自由行去澳洲, 由墨爾本入開恩茲走, 不包機程玩11日, 途中想去Sydney, Gold Coast, 布里斯本.

1) 請問應如何計劃行程, 一定要join local tour?
2) 有咩書推介, 好似比較少有澳洲旅遊書而且資料不多.
3) 有咩比較平同方便既酒店 (唔要backpacker同share room)
4) countrylink rail 既 backtracker pass 可以用係咩network, 以上地方都可以用? 而save 內陸機同一晚酒店?

回答 (2)

2008-12-10 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.你去101.com 大把資料,包括酒店,local 團


3. single room 一晚都要300蚊,最平個隻,101.com 個web有,個人旅行個本書都有介紹, 講真,要平的話,backpacker的單人房其實我會首選,(我係自己一個女仔去澳洲) ,share room 可以選男女分房都安全.

4.飛機真係平好多,68-75蚊澳錢就己有一程機,你坐火車都要130蚊over,仲要訓到周身骨痛,係坐係到訓,我真係不建議這方法,唔平得好多,仲要攬住d行李訓,何必咁辛苦,,and then 最少12-13個仲火車,個位同香港火車個位差不多,除非坐頭等,真係不建議.
2008-12-08 1:14 am
(1) If you can drive, you can simply rent a car and go wherever you want. But it will be convenient to join local tours if you can't drive

(2) There are many books about Oz in book stores or you can just check online. There are also many websites about Australia. for example. www.australia.com

(3) Some 3-star hotels are cheap and in the city area. You can check online. If you go to Oz with 2 or 3 people, you guys can share one room and it will be much cheaper!

(4) More about Countrylink Rail: http://www.countrylink.info/
*But I think it will be faster and cheaper to travel by plane instead of taking train
參考: me

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