Reasons of studying Economics

2008-12-05 12:45 pm
Why did you choose to study Economics in university?
How did Economics attract you?
How does Economics affect human life?

I wish the answer to be special and stand out!
It'd be better if the answer is in English

回答 (1)

2008-12-05 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most of the daily activities will involve decision making. More or less, it is our human behaviour. I found that it is very interesting to studying the human behaviour, no matter in a micro level, such as decision of buying more increase, or macro level, how an interest rate was set. In order to make an indepth learning, I would like to study Economics in university.

Economics is a studying that can help me to understand the decsion making process and the rationale behind. It is a social science, for which I can learn Economics in a scientific way, supporting by numerous studies & statistics.

In our society, the macro things, such as government policy is one of the studying area of Economics. If a government has a different standard of view towards to the monetary policy, it will have different effect on the economy, for which it will have effect on our daily life.

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