
2008-12-05 12:41 pm

回答 (2)

2008-12-05 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案

He never means what he says.<---------
Helen: You never mean what you say! Grrr!!! You always say you love me so much and how you care about me. Where on earth were you when I needed you the most last night?
Peter: Oh my babe! I am so sorry. I celebated John's birthday in a pub with some of my friends. Why did you need me so badly, dear? you wanted me to lend you some money for your mobile phone bills?
Helen: You stupid man! It was my birthday yesterday! Don't call me any more!
Peter: Really? I didn't know that. Dear, I tried to call you this morning, but your cellphone was cut off.
Here is H.K$ 2000. Pay your bills first okay? @(*>*)@

Hope that helps.

See you O_O


2008-12-05 12:42:46 補充:
Peter: Oh my babe! I am so sorry. I celebrated John's birthday in a pub with some of my friends.................*************************************

2008-12-05 16:10:34 補充:
Here is HK$ 2000. Pay your bills first okay? @(*>*)@***************
2008-12-05 2:54 pm
to speak words not agreeing with the heart ;
duplicity ;
double-faced ;
mouth is open not closed ;
the deposition does not fit ;

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