What do you recommend to kill flea on clothes (NOT for pets), bedding and carpet? ?

2008-12-05 7:42 am
Where in Vancouver can I find such products? What kind of stores sell them? (can't find them in supermarkets)

回答 (5)

2008-12-05 3:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First off you have to treat the pet first or you will keep getting fleas. Next up, vacuum your carpet areas really really well..if you have a vac with a bag..put a flea collar in it, then the fleas that happen to get picked up will die and not escape...seal the bag up in a trash bag when you are done and throw out. If you have bagless vac then, just empty the container after vacuuming (you can still use the flea collar trick here too) and put the trash outside. Once that is done, you can set off a flea bomb. Make sure you take cushions off of your couch, bedding off of your bed and all food has to be put away including cooking instruments, etc. Make sure all pets are out of the house...the directions are on the back of the flea bombs...these can be found at hardware stores, pet stores, etc. Once that is done come back in and make sure you sanitize all cooking surfaces, etc. Wash your bedding in hot water on the longest cycle possible. Or if you don't want to bomb your house, then you can rent a steam cleaner and with the hottest water possible shampoo all carpet areas, then mop all other floor surfaces. Borax a typical cleaning powder for laundry works well too..it dries out the fleas and flea eggs...you can dust it on your carpets and furniture and let it sit for about and hour or more then vacuum it up. That should work. Make sure you do under your couch and other furniture as fleas like a dark area! Good Luck!!!
2016-03-14 7:46 pm
white vinegar that you buy at the grocery store works great!
2008-12-05 9:28 am
Vacuum the carpeting and the furniture. Put a very white towel or sheet on the floor. Fleas are attracted to the color white. if you see fleas after 24 hours do it again, till the white towel or sheet is clean of any fleas. Put advantage on animal. Bath animal regularly.
參考: owner of three house dogs
2008-12-05 8:34 am
Wash the clothes. On the carpets, get lighted flea traps. Fleas are attracted to white. One time before dog flea pills, I put white papers all over the carpet and put double stick tape on the papers. It trapped the fleas. It took awhile, but they were gone.
2008-12-05 7:57 am
If you put mothballs in your vacuum cleaner bag/canister when you vacuum it will kill the fleas and eggs that get sucked up. Another remedy I've heard many times is regular table salt. Sprinkle it on the carpet and on other flea infested surfaces and let it set for a few hours (or preferably overnight) and vacuum it up in the morning. Of course salt can be found at almost any store for quite cheap, and mothballs can be found at your local Wal Mart or Target (Do you have Target's in Vancouver?) Hope this helps!
2008-12-05 7:51 am
if the animal that had fleas is still in the house get him advantage it will kill the fleas on him and get rid of the fleas in the house
by them jumping of the animal and then the advantage killing them
if the infestation is really bad its time to start throwing things away
unless you can soak the clothes in water but then the whole egg thing..hmmmm

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