i dont know what to do?

2008-12-04 10:07 am
There is this guy that is like my friends mate whom i knew of, i just didnt know him personally

He got my number off our mutual friend and started texting me ... he was always texting me for 2 days and you know, being really flirty, asked me to go owt with him somewhere and all that ... i was busy so i couldnt go

we have been texting for like maybe just over a week and none of my mates like him .. they told me to stay away from him ... but i cant be told anything ... i need to find out for myself ...

then yesterday i saw him at the mall, he only smiled, he didnt say hi or anything .. thing is ... he has been telling his mates things about me because one of my mates is in the same class as him

anyway ... i started liking him yesterday ... but he doesnt text me normally anymore ... like i try to start a conversation but he only texts back like once and then stops .... i dont know what to do .. HELP

like yestersday nite he texted me going "wat up" i replied back and go .. wat about you ... he didnt text me back ....

im 17 by the way

i dont know what hes trying to do but im starting to get frustrated !!

回答 (4)

2008-12-04 10:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
You should call his number and ask him.
If he won't text you back, then waiting for him is useless, it's time for you to act.
2008-12-04 6:19 pm
you got frustrated because somehow you already like him, you're one of among few whom i knew, who easily falls in love. It's hard to judge nor to tell what's his intention is all about, since it's only been a week... He might be just flirting with you, or trying to prove something for his friends (who knows...) but still i wanna give him the benefit of the doubt... so, why don't you play his game... if he text you, don't make him feel your excited, sometimes reply his text and sometimes don't... flirt with him today, give him a cold shoulder tomorrow... (please don't erase any of his messages... so you'll have evidence if he starts spreading rumors like your in love with him or something, you can never be too trusty... besides you have nothing to lose)
2008-12-04 6:19 pm
Stop texting. You say he is "my friends mate". Why would you want to even get involved. He doesn't. seem sincere.

If he was interested he would talk to you.
2008-12-04 6:12 pm
maybe he's playing or something...
he's not a serious type of guy...
he's not ideal man...

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