What happens if the communist rule comes to an end in China?

2008-12-04 9:15 am
What if communist China dissolves like the Soviet Union.
Will China become a demoratic state? Say, the largest democratic nation in Asia?
Will China become the next superpower?
Will a new China threaten the US?

You are referring to "Taiwan" not "Hong Kong", Hong Kong is alreadly returned to China and its politics highly influenced by the communist Chinese government.

回答 (10)

2008-12-04 9:24 am
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Hopefully it will be a peaceful revolution. However, judging by the State's reaction to the Tianamin Square protests, I have my doubts. The Communists would not like to loose their grip on power.
Maybe one day though, during the next couple of decades it will become a democratic state. China is fast becoming a major economic superpower and will over the next few decades take over from the US as being the number 1 economic superpower.
In terms of military might I still think that the US will always outrank China. The major worry for me is over the issue of Taiwan.
2008-12-04 5:27 pm
China already IS a superpower and they ARE a threat to the security of the U.S.. They do not need to be a Democratic state to be neither.
2008-12-04 5:24 pm
It already is ending. They have a more capitalist outlook on the way they do business then the U.S. does. Since freeing up there market they have brought 400 million people above there poverty limit (note there poverty limit.. not ours).

China will be a new super power. I find it odd the communists are turning into capitalist and becoming extremely successful while half of the U.S. wants to completely abandon the bit of capitalism we have left. This will be a big problem for the United States.
2008-12-04 5:21 pm
By no stretch of the imagination could China currently be called communist.
2008-12-04 5:20 pm
Some other insane dictator will take over.

The Soviet Union did not dissolve. It simply splintered temporarily to lull the West into a deadly slumber while the real cdold war never ended.

China will be a superpower soon if not THE superpower.

They DO threaten the US.

They have many times threatened to rain down fire on Los Angeles.
Bush delcared that China was going to become the financial center of the world's economy.
DoD in 1988 predicted that China's navy would surpass ours by year 2012.

China buys Russian ships designed to attack and destroy ours.

Think about it.
2008-12-04 6:05 pm
The people would be much happier having liberty and they would get many people trying to move there.

I think they would become a much closer allie to the US and we would be an unstoppable alliance that could rule the globe. (hopefully in good ways spreading democracy and freedom and crushing the last outposts of communism)

But if the US isnt careful, we're going to become communist ourselves!
參考: Baracksky Obomov
2008-12-04 5:41 pm
The possibility of no Communism in China is highly unlikely. As for China becoming the next super is already decided. China is a superpower. There are 5 superpowers. USA, China, Russia, France and UK.
It is unlikely that China will turn into a democratic country but it possibly but very unlikely and there is a high probability that there could be a conflict over petroleum. But I think the whole world rather have peace then watching 2 superpowers fighting.
2008-12-04 5:32 pm
China will simply become a peaceful democratic superpower.
It will be a smooth transition for two main reasons:

1. The economy is already a 90% capitalist economy.
2. Chinese people are ready to embrace democracy.

In the former Soviet Union these conditions were not in place.
2008-12-04 6:02 pm
if that happens, the obama administration and congress will be the only major socialist government in the world, and air america will host a wake
2008-12-04 5:52 pm
What if communist China dissolves like the Soviet Union.

Oh how the Left will cry.

Will China become a demoratic state? Say, the largest democratic nation in Asia?

Not is this life time. China might be a Superpower but they have many many problems that need to be addressed.

Will China become the next superpower?

It already is.

Will a new China threaten the US?

If they address all of their problems and become a real Democratic society then China could become the most powerful nation in Human History. But I think the way they are now they could be a military threat to the United States especially when we talk about Hong Kong and China's desire to reunite it with the main land. The West will never allow Hong Kong to come under Communist control.

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