the economic recession has begun in the mid of 2008 but the

2008-12-05 6:25 am
the economic recession has begun in the mid of 2008 but the price of the dishes of the catering industry does not seem to go down immediately. try to explain the

回答 (2)

2008-12-05 9:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In general economic sense that the economic recession will decrease the demand of dishes of the catering industry. However, the price of them will not be affected immediately.

First of all, the purchasing power of the citizen still yet be affected at the early stage. People disposable income will have certain extend of effect, but they think it is a short term fluctuation that the daily activities will be affect much.

Secondly, in the aspect of restaurant, i) the operation cost has not been lowered, such as the signed contract with the landlord; ii) there will be additional cost involved when they change the menu.

Therefore, the price of the dishes will be change immediately. This is price rigidity.
2008-12-05 7:32 am

一杯營養蛋白素代餐相當於33種蔬菜, 6種水果, 內含200多種營養素,
100%天然草本素食者亦食用, 蛋白素相等於 5 錢燕窩、2 份蔬菜、1 份水果、1 塊牛扒同半杯鮮奶!

當細胞吸收充足營養,扺抗力就增強,生病的情況就會自然大大減少!低卡路里,代替早餐, 午餐兩餐,可作為減重, 代替一餐,可作為keep fit.

我個女都是用這方法, 一個月減10磅, 三個月減20磅.
改善鼻敏感, 流鼻血, 暗瘡少咗,

我做文職, 133磅, 160CM用咗簡單經濟又健康既方法!, 改善頭痛,胃痛, 暈車浪,植物曲脹,

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