taste and other tales

2008-12-04 9:53 pm
我想要呢本書taste and other tales 入面ge呢一節the way up to heaven既內容精要...姐係要戈一節入面ge大慨內容....急...thx!!!!!

我想要英文版....姐係將佢戈段the way up to heaven既內容減少d...但係要反主要ge野...我睇完但係唔知點縮短...thx

回答 (2)

2008-12-04 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你要中定英呀~ 英文 可以睇呢個網個 summary, 寫得 ok

故事內容就係講: (中文版係自己寫既, 憑記憶...+ 英文版)
Mrs. Foster 是一個很緊張要守時的人。每次出門都很緊張。但她的丈夫卻最愛故意遲到一兩分鐘來捉弄她。老夫老妻的感情也不好,不過他們就頗有錢,住在一間獨立的房子內 ( 不是 apartment, 是house)。為了方便,他們還裝了電梯。
這次要他們要到巴黎去探女兒,丈夫又遲到... Mrs. foster 本來想要乘電梯上樓催促丈夫,但好像聽到電梯有怪聲... 她沒有乘電梯,就自己上了司機的車到機場了。
獨自遊玩得很盡興的 Mrs. Foster, 回到家發現有一陣異味,電梯又壞了...

Mrs. Foster 就打電話給技工要他來修理。

寫得很詭異,讀者最後都理解 -- 她的丈夫就這樣死掉了! 在她有能力救他一命的時候,她選擇了離去....

Roald Dahl 的故事真好看呢,其實你就咁要精要真係太浪費了!!

2008-12-12 12:51:49 補充:
Mrs. Foster liked to be punctual. However, her husband liked to tease her by being purposely late. One day, Mr. and Mrs. Foster were leaving for a trip in Paris, and Mr. Foster was late again. On her way to beckon him downstairs, Mrs. Foster paused -- she listened, hesitated and turned back.

2008-12-12 12:52:03 補充:
Mrs. Foster left alone. When she returned from Paris, Mrs. Foster phoned up the elevator technician to report that it was something was stuck in it.
What was that something? We don't know. Probably her husband.

參考: 自己
2016-10-04 3:10 pm

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