pls help to translate, thx!

2008-12-04 6:34 pm

一年一度的聖誕節又到了,我地今年定了在12月24日有午餐聚會,地方暫定在a, b or c 餐廳, 也歡迎大家提供意見,.請各同事投票回覆, 謝謝

回答 (4)

2008-12-04 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Dear co-workers( colleagues),
How are you all? As Christmas is around the corner, We have decided to
hold a lunch gathering on 24th December, 2008.
The function will take place at a, b or XXX restaurant. All opinions are welcome and pleave cast your vote in reply to this.
Thank you very much for your attention.

2008-12-14 12:38:35 補充:
Please note I mistyped" please".
2008-12-04 7:55 pm
Dear Colleagues,
Christmas is coming. A lunch gathering is temporarily scheduled to take place at a,b,c, restaurant. Your
suggestions are welcome. Please reply by giving your vote, thanks.
2008-12-04 6:47 pm
Dear colleagues,

It is time for Christmas celebrations and this year we will be organizing a lunch gathering on December 24th. Options for restaurants are A, B or C. Please vote for your choice of venue or alternatively, we welcome any other suggestions you may have.

Thank you.

** 可以用 luncheon 嚟代替 lunch gathering。
2008-12-04 6:40 pm
chrismas are coming!!! we have a lunch party in 24th december at a,b,c restaurant. also, we welcome your opinion to improve it. please vote. thank you.

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