
2008-12-04 6:27 pm

回答 (2)

2008-12-06 1:09 am
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Lan Kwai Fong located at between cloud salty street and Dejilijie, initially when is only a small L shape street, the road surface is not broad. Along with recent years' development, Lan Kwai Fong has become a small community. Recent years, in cloud salty street border and splendor section of Dejilijie, is also integrated Lan Kwai Fong's scope. To some foreigners, Lan Kwai Fong makes a general reference south of the central area bustling streets, including icehouse street to Hollywood area. Foreigner who or is listed in the Hong Kong work quite a lot, earnestly seeks suits them to savor with the request recreation area, Lan Kwai Fong then arises at the historic moment. Formerly arrived at Lan Kwai Fong entertainment's many were the foreigner, the Chinese people only accounts for about 30%, may be called for foreigner's paradise, English is here most universal communication language. The early shop owner almost is a foreigner, but the present has three points two is the Chinese people. Seven ten age initial period, the Hong Kong government starts in China and the West area to carry on the city reconstruction. Vehicle route's development, commercial finance's inflow, causes Lan Kwai Fong's commercial rapidly expand in addition. Along with a named Disco Disco entertainment situation in 1978 after Dejilijie is open for business, area Lan Kwai Fong's expense situation increases rapidly. Like Italian dining room, French dining room, Japanese dining room and so on, also has the bar, to specialize in selling the European jewelry's shop 舖, the swim suit special shop, the fashionable clothing shop, the art gallery and the flower shop and so on, extremely rich European land affective tone.

2008-12-05 17:14:56 補充:
砵甸乍街,Pottinger Street,是香港的一條街道,位於香港島中環。街道連接山上的荷李活道及山下的干諾道中,其中皇后大道中至荷李活道一段由於頗為陡直,故用石塊舖蓋路面,並設計成一塊凹下一塊凸起,既方便行人上落,又方便雨水沿兩旁瀉走,因此人們習慣叫它做「石板街」。香港政府在1858年將此街命名為砵甸乍街以紀念第一任香港總督砵甸乍。

2008-12-05 17:16:15 補充:
2008-12-06 4:06 pm
Lan Kwai Fong蘭桂坊is a small square of streets in Central, The area was dedicated to hawkers before the Second World War, but underwent a renaissance in the mid 1980s. It is now a popular expatriate haunt in Hong Kong for drinking, clubbing and dining. Before the Second World War, Lan Kwai Fong was previously dedicated to hawkers.
In early days, the square housed many mui yan (媒人, lit. medium person), or marriage arrangers, a role exclusively held by females. Mui yan was a marriage medium between two families in the olden days. It was thus known as Mui Yan Hong (媒人巷, lit. medium person lane) or Hong Leung Hong (紅娘巷).
In 1980s, German-Canadian businessman Allan Zeman, also known as the father of Lan Kwai Fong, invested HK$32 million to buy a whole building and renovate it as Western restaurants. The place soon became a meeting place for foreigners in Hong Kong. The square, together with a homosexual disco Disco Disco founded earlier in 1978 in D'Aguilar Street, made Lan Kwai Fong and its surroundings a famous spot for night life.
Lan Kwai Fong is perhaps Hong Kong's most popular and well known area for a night out. Boasting numerous bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants, it is a popular choice for the well off locals, expatriates and tourists. The high costs associated with the area makes this a relatively high class location, although the quality and reputation of this area is obvious virtually every night. Visiting on a Friday or Saturday night you may be overwhelmed by the enormous crowds that fill the streets (which are closed for several hours to vehicular traffic), with all bars having only standing room. It is interesting to see that, as mentioned, a majority of the crowds are in fact expatriates or international students. It is one of the few places where English is the overwhelmingly predominant language, although many of the Chinese who are there are most likely to be bilingual.

2008-12-06 08:08:14 補充:
Pottinger Street砵典乍街is a street in Central, Hong Kong.The street was named after the first Governor of Hong Kong, Henry Pottinger. The street was originally on the slope between Queen's Road Central and Hollywood Road.

2008-12-06 08:08:37 補充:
The street is also better known as the Rocky Road (石板街) by the locals, after granite stone steps which is rare nowaday in Hong Kong.

2008-12-06 08:08:57 補充:
The Central was undergoing several reclamations and thus the street was extended north from Queen's Road Central to Connaught Road Central. Several buildings like Man Yee Building, Wing On House, Chinachem Tower and Hong Kong Chinese Bank Building are on this section.

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