英文問題 ( 幫我譯 ~~15點)

2008-12-04 7:05 am
1. 兩間公司的票價接近

2. 兩間航空公司在東南亞有很多的相同的航線


回答 (5)

2008-12-04 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) The ticket fares of these two companies are so close.
2) There two airlines serve lots of same routes in South-East Asia.


2008-12-04 12:35:47 補充:
2) These two airlines serve lots of same routes in South-East Asia.**********************
2008-12-04 6:40 pm
1. 兩間公司的票價接近 = Prices of these two companies are pretty close.

2. 兩間航空公司在東南亞有很多的相同的航線 = Both airlines serving the similarity of routes in Southeast Asia.
參考: Own
2008-12-04 5:36 pm
1. These two companies charge more or less the same fare.
2. These two airlines offer similar South-east Asia routes in majority.
2008-12-04 8:24 am
1.the two companies are charging within the same price ranges.
2. the flight routines of both flight companies share many similarities.
2008-12-04 7:23 am
1. The price of these two company is almost the same.

2. In Southeast Asia, there are many same air route from these two airline company.
參考: myself

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