
2008-12-04 4:49 am

In click, had a powerful remote when the main character Michael Newman is the remote master. The remote can go back the past review the recollection .Also the remote can skip your life when you feel the trouble, boring, unhappy and angry thing.
So that, if I have this remote, I will go back my primary six when I have my first love with kitty who is a long hair , beautiful , lovely girl. This experience is amazing. No one not jealousy to me. In the lesson sometime a sensitive content for example, teacher talk about puberty classmate they will to make a joke about kitty with me. At that time, Kitty the face looks like tomato. I am smiling with her. This feeling was end when I need start my secondary school life. In graduation, I gave her an embrace, is made me unforgettable forever.
Also when I review my past the recollection, I want to go my wedding party. Who is my wife? Can I see kitty again? I want to know that. If I can see kitty again I will give her handshake never unclench. She is my own love. But worst-case kitty is married one of better than me the boy or she forgets me. I will wish her happy. If I want to marry with another girl until kitty was die.
Then, I want to know my job, I hope is not my hate. I just want to get one easy and high salary, if the job can tally with my demands, time is not important. I will fit in with my boss.
Anyway, our life in my hand so we can not just sit in there we need to creative our world. I promise I can do that .what do you think?

This is end of my presentation. Thank you very much.


個題目係...which part of your life would you like to re-experience? which part would you like to skip? Click係個背景....

回答 (2)

2008-12-04 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
In a movie called 'click', there was a powerful remote control owned by a man called Michael Newman, the main character of the movie. the remote control can be used to turn back clocks, as well as skip times while one feels troubled, bored and sad, to name a few.

after watching the movie, i was being thinking what would i do if the same thing happened to me. i would probably go back to year 6, when i met my first girlfriend in primary school. her name is kitty. she was a lovely girl with long hair and beautiful smile. it was really a great memory. however, it seemed that everyone's jealous about us and trying to give us a hard time. For example, some of the classmates would make a joke about us while the teacher was talking about puberty issues.i remeber kitty blushed everytime while i just smiled sweetly. however, the relationship ended when we had to go to different secondary schools. i will forever remember at the time of graduation, we gave each other a big , warm hug with a massive blessing.


2008-12-04 00:19:37 補充:
字數有限制,其餘果d send左去你email...good luck!
2008-12-04 5:08 am

大部份篇幅講過去發生O既事, 而唔係你點用個REMOTE.
例如你用個 REMOTE 回到過去, 你想做O的乜? 去修補你O既一段無疾而終O既初戀?

此外, 你前面提到, REMOTE 可以幫你SKIP某段時間直接去到未來. 你話你去到未來想睇自己做咩工. 睇倒之後又點呢? 如果份工唔O岩你, 你係咪可以...例如再回到過去, 重頭努力之類?

呢個題目好簡單, 你英文又幾好, 應該搞得掂.

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