英文文法一問 1. 有點唔清楚be used to

2008-12-04 12:38 am
1. 我想問有無話幾時用邊個
i'm used to v+ing
i become used to v+ing
i get used to v+ing

2. 如果我想講..例如他已經習慣在澳洲生活, 那我既認知就係用
prsent pefect tense, 咁句句子係咪 ...
-He has got used to living in Australia. 有無錯?

3 我成日搞不清點解有時to 後面唔係+.infinitive ?
例如我講be used to v+ing or i'm looking forward to seeing you.


回答 (1)

2008-12-04 1:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am used to living in Hong Kong.
I have become used to living in H.K.
I am used to waking up at 5 am every day.
例如他已經習慣在澳洲生活, 那我既認知就係用
prsent pefect tense, 咁句句子係咪 ...
-He has got used to living in Australia. 有無錯?
3 我成日搞不清點解有時to 後面唔係+.infinitive ?
例如我講be used to v+ing or i'm looking forward to seeing you.
For some verbs, we use *to +v+ing*.
There is no rule for that.
I am opposed to changing the system.
I am looking forward to seeing you.
I am used to living in Australia.
Weight-lifting is the key to gaining muscles.
I prefer boxing to swimming.


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