Which is correct?

2008-12-04 12:35 am
Which is correct?

A.Did you see that camel with two hump?

B.Do you see those camel with two humps?

C.Can you see that camel with two humps?

回答 (2)

2008-12-04 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案

C.Can you see that camel with two humps?


A.Did you see that camel with two hump?

這答案錯在 two hump,而應是two humps

B.Do you see those camel with two humps?

這答案錯在 those camel ,而應是 that camel 或 those camels
2008-12-04 12:56 am
actually three of them are correct, just depends on how you want to say under different situation or condition...

For example:
question A. I ask you: Did you see ... two hump? That means not at this moment, in the past... from my memory, I am not so sure whether I saw it or not... so that's why I ask you this question.

question B. I ask you: Do you ... two hump? That means at this moment, I am not sure whether I see the camel or not ( maybe too far away for the seeing sight, maybe it doesn't look like a camel... for some reasons... ). So I ask you this question.

question C. I ask you: Can you ... two hump? That means that I can see a camel, I just want to ask you whether you can see this or you are able to see this...
參考: myself, based on a long period of foreign studying experiences when I was a teenager...

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