
2008-12-03 9:39 pm
我買咗12月4號去曼谷嘅機票,但而家又去唔到,打去泰東佢又話唔比退錢,只可以比我係4月30號補去返,但而家間間航空公司都話可以退錢only 收charge ,點解佢唔得,有冇朋友可以幫到我呀..........

回答 (2)

2008-12-13 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案

一個原因: 泰東係廉價航空。

附件: 泰東網頁的說明
Paper Ticket Collected at ORIENT-THAI Ticket Office

Advance reservations can be made a minimum of 72 hours and a maximum of 11 months prior to departure.
Payment must be made and tickets collected within 72 hours of making your reservation.
Tickets collected from Orient Thai Airlines city ticket office only (not airport ticket office),and that city ticket office must be in the country where the journey commences.
Payment methods depend on local procedures of each Orient Thai Airlines office.
Reservation can also be made for children 2-11 years of age(having reached their 2nd but not their 12th birthday).
Ticket for infant may be purchased additionally at Orient Thai Airlines office when you purchase and pick up your own ticket.
Birth certificates or passports of both infant and child must be shown when you contact Orient Thai Airlines office in Thailand.
Flight comfirmation will be sent to the e-mail address indicated in your traveller profile.
Maximun two bookings per day,per user ID (4 seats per booking)
Special meals and seat preference can be arranged on-line for international flights only.
Fares and taxes are quoted and charged in the currency of the country from where the journey commences.
To ensure that you get the fare as qouted and displayed by the system, the reservation should be made immediately thereafter.
Refund can be made by contacting Orient Thai Airlines ticket office where ticket is issued. Refund fee may be applied.

2008-12-04 4:49 am

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