請問opposed 用法

2008-12-03 6:06 pm
I am opposed to going shopping with others.

請問以上為什麼用了兩個動詞,又不是被動語句? Am opposed


I am opposed to going shopping with others by my girl friend ?


首先 吾該這三位朋友回答 其實我一直都應為係比動語句,但我見我字典是這樣 I am opposed to going shopping with others. 我反對與他人一起外出購物。 He is strongly opposed to the plan. 他強烈反對這一計劃。 是字典錯?


還是whatiswhat24 是對?


去過 whatiswhat24 提供的網址 The proposed new examination system has been vigorously opposed by teachers. 被動語句.似乎很清晰 I would certainly oppose changing the system. Most of the local residents opposed the closing of their hospital. 主動語句也很清晰

回答 (2)

2008-12-03 8:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am opposed(adjective here) to/against going shopping with others.( THIS IS ACTIVE VOICE)

(going shopping with others.)<------This part is to show what you are opposed (adjective)to.
It took me 45 minutes to find the proof for you. Please have a look.
opposed Show phonetics
be opposed to sth to disagree with a principle or plan:
She's opposed (adjective) to (((religious education in schools.))))
You may use " oppose" as a verb.
I would certainly oppose(((( changing the system.)))
"changing the system" shows what you oppose( verb).

My idea of going out with others was/has been opposed by my girlfriend. ( passive voice)
was opposed( past tense in passive voice)
has been opposed( present perfect tense in passive voice)
My idea of going out with others= it ( my idea)
Hope that help.

2008-12-05 17:27:45 補充:
He is strongly opposed to the plan.

Your dictionary is just fine. is strongly(adverb) opposed<---------( It is an adjective here)

to the plan ( object).

2008-12-05 17:30:04 補充:
It is just another way of using" opposed" as an adjective.

I am strongly opposed to (the method ). = I am strongly opposed to (using this method.)

Similar meanings!!!!!!!!!
2008-12-03 6:29 pm
I am opposed to going shopping with others.
請問以上為什麼用了兩個動詞,又不是被動語句? Am opposed
答 : 這是被動式, 因為不是你oppose, 是人哋oppose 你, 所以用被動式

答 : I am opposed to go shopping with others.

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