Does he like me?

2008-12-03 3:51 pm
Ok I met this guy at school, we are both in 3rd year university. I dont know if he likes me or not.
This is what he did to me:
1) always wanted to be in the same class with me
2) ask me if i want him to call me in the morning so i wont miss a class
3) sometimes he waits for me outside my class and then have lunch together
4) he asks me what color I like...I said purple, he then gave me a purple pen
5) always make fun of me: follow what I just said, laugh at almost eveything I said
6) sometimes hugme from the side but didnt say anything
7) after lunch he always come to my class even though he isnt in that class
8) our friend asks me if he's my bf, i ask him if he wanna know what she asks
me...he said he knew it, how can he know?
9) our friends always make fun of me but only when he's not there
I wanna know if he likes me or not...if so why didnt he tell me. One thing I
am not happy about is he always did something speical to me but then he
didnt say or do anything after...I'm so confused.
Thank you guys for answering.

回答 (2)

2008-12-12 4:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I can say that he 99% likes you, BUT he MAY NOT love you.
The actual answer you desire is not he wethether likes you or not, you actually want to know wether he loves you or not.
Just take the famous star Vivian as a case. No matter how many special things Mr 倪 did to you, you can always justify that Mr 倪 is just want to have a happy period with you only.
100 special things does not equal to love, it just equal to intereting in you (like you) only.

Maybe it is better for you to ask your friends to give some advice based on the boy personality.
2008-12-03 5:52 pm
In this case, I am 99% sure that he likes you and wants to be your bf. However, may I suggest you that dont be agree to be his gf very easily? 99% of men easily get away what easily get. Please wait and take time (may be years..) to verify. I am a man too. Don't make a very wrong decision. Hope you understand!

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