i am a girl...i want 2 know how can i reduce my weight within 1 month?

2008-12-02 8:31 am
how will i reduce my weight ??

回答 (29)

2008-12-03 4:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
To lose weight within a month, follow this simple diet routine, proved to be more effective:

General Motors Weight Loss Diet, a.k.a. The GM Diet* - An e-mail received from Shri M Siddique (who recd from Ravindra Jaju)
Have you heard of the Physics Diet? As common sense goes, prevention is always better than cure!
The following diet and health program was apparently developed for the employees and the dependants of General Motors Inc.
The program was developed in conjunction with the grant from the US Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. It was first tried at the Johns Hopkins Research Centre and was approved for distribution by the Board of Directors of General Motors Corporation at a general meeting on August 15, 1995 .
General Motors Corporation wholly endorsed this program and is making it available to all employees and families. This program will be available at all General Motors Food service facilities.
It is the management’s intention to facilitate a welfare and fitness program for everyone.
This program is designed for a target weight loss of 5-6 Kgs. per week. It will also improve your attitude and emotions because of its systematic cleansing effects. The effectiveness of this seven day plan is that the foods eaten burn more calories than they give to the body in caloric value. This plan can be used as often as you like to without any fear of complications. It is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. After seven days you will begin to feel lighter by atleast 10 pounds. You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.
During the first seven days you must drink 10 glasses of water each day.
All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consists of all fruits you want. It is suggested you consume lots of watermelon and cantaloupe.
All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the new and cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the account or type. Avoid oil and coconut while cooking vegetables. Have large boiled potato for breakfast.
Any mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet and no potatoes today.
Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. You can also have one bowl of vegetables soup.
Today is a feast day. You will eat 1 (one) cup of rice. You also have to eat 6 (six) whole tomatoes and drink 12 (twelve) glasses of water today to cleanse your system of the excess uric acid you will be producing.
Today is another all vegetables day. You must eat 1 cup of rice today and eat all the vegetables you want cooked and uncooked to your heart's content.
Today your food intake will consist of 1 cup rice, fruit juice and all the vegetables you care to consume. Tomorrow morning you will be five to eight kilograms lighter than 1 week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. Repeat the program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you rest for three days before every repetition.
You have your system under control now and it will thank you for all the purging and cleansing you just gave it. Even more than a diet program it is good to follow this diet once in a while to clean your digestive system and remove toxic substances that have a accumulated in the system.
The most important element of the program is the 10 (ten) tall glasses of water a day. You can also flavour the water will some lemon to make the drink easier. While on the program, take only black coffee and never more than one teaspoon of oil. Preferably do not use oil because the high calorific content. No fruit juices before day seven.
Here is what happens to you body while you are on this program and how and why it works.
Day 1: You are preparing your system for the upcoming program. Your only source of nutrition is fresh fruits. Fruits are nature's perfect food. They provide everything you can possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety.
Day 2: Starts with a fix complex carbohydrates in the form of a boiled potato. This is taken in the form of a boiled potato and taken in the morning to provide energy and balance. The rest of the day too consists of vegetables which are virtually calories free and provide essential nutrients and fibre.
Day 3: Eliminates the potato because you get your carbohydrates from fruits. Your system is now prepared to start burning excess pounds. You will have cravings, which should start to diminish by day four.
Day 4: Bananas and milk. You are in for a surprise. You probably will not be able to eat all the bananas allowed. But they are there for the potassium you have lost and the sodium you may have missed during the last three days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets and you will be surprised at how easy this day will go.
Day 5: Rice and tomatoes. The rice is for the carbohydrates and the tomatoes are for the digestion and the fibre. Drinking a lot of water purifies your system. You should notice colourless urine today. If you do not feel like having one cup rice, you may eat less. But you may eat six tomatoes.
Day 6: It is similar to day five. Vitamins and fibre from the vegetables and carbohydrates from the rice. By now your system is in a total weight loss inclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look today compared to day one.
Day 7: You may celebrate with champagne. You may also have white wine instead of champagne, but in all practical programs, and in all surveys done to measure the success of the program, General Motors employees have always preferred champagne to white wine.
More than one cup of coffee with milk is especially forbidden. Milk and oil add empty calories to your diet. Avid coffee lovers can console themselves with black coffee. However, after the first week, it will help your digestion and set your stomach. The key thing to remember is that if you are hungry at any time, then you are not following the diet correctly. Almost all people give up the diet when they are hungry because of dieting. The secret of this program is that you should never hungry. If it is a vegetable day, eat so much vegetables that you are never hungry. If it is a fruits day, eat so much fruits that you are never hungry. You may be bored of eating vegetables all day, but you should not be hungry. You can take any amount of General Motors wonder soup on any day.
The following soup is intended as a supplement to your diet. It can be eaten any time of the day in virtually unlimited quantities. You are encouraged to drink large quantities of this soup.
· 23 oz water
· 06 large onions
· 02 green peppers
· 03 whole tomatoes
· 1 cabbage
· 1 bunch celery - add herbs and seasoning as desired.
This program is highly recommended for women and men above 40 for whom excess weight is especially dangerous. Excess weight for women aggravates arthritis problems and leads to rapid joint decay. Pain and joint deterioration can be lessened by weight loss as weight loss removes the stress on the knee joint. Excess weight is the most critical factor in keeping good health and excess weight is responsible for the most problems including coronary diseases, heart problems, arthritis and cancer among other serious life threatening diseases. Most serious health problems can be avoided by the single function of maintaining an ideal weight. Daily mild exercise of 20 minutes is also essential. Do not tire yourself out, but being regular in your exercise and maintaining an ideal weight goes a long way in ensuring a happy, healthy and long life.

Wish you the very best in your endeavour!

參考: Disclaimer: I am not the author. This is essentially an approximate reproduction of something I received from can-not-remember-who because I was interested. I have followed this regime once, and some people in my circle have tried it multiple times. It definitely had some positive effects on us. Also note that this is a modified version suitable for vegetarians.
2016-04-22 8:21 pm
Walk in the morning and eat breakfast within an hour of waking
2016-03-14 1:02 pm
Try to reduce your carbohydrate intake as much as you can. That means absolutely no sodas or sweets, and very limited breads, rices, pastas or potatoes. Whole grains are good,Also, don't eat any deep fried foods. Vegetables and fruits are important to eat. Eat them as snacks between meals. Make your meals center around meat and vegetables. Don't try to keep yourself from eating if you are hungry between meals. Just make sure that you are eating good foods like those listed above, and not in large amounts. You should also exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, getting your heart rate up to 120-150 beats per minute. Jogging or fast walking, swimming, cycling, or a sport where you are moving fast for a constant 30 minutes can do this for you. Good luck, you can do it.
2008-12-02 11:23 am

Dieting is not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin. Since we are not,here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit, too. Check out http://use-weightloss.blogspot.com/ for all info regarding weight loss.
2008-12-02 11:21 am
rashi, it depends upon alot of factors like your age height weight level of activity, diet etc. any ways let me tell you about my own personal experience as that might help you in your quest to loose weight. i was about a 115 kgs till about two months back, now i weigh 93 kgs. I personal was not very comfortable going to a gym because of my weight, and tired a whole lot of stupid stuff to get back into shape, with every time i failed i felt more discouraged. One day i found this company called X-attack through Google. their concept looked really interesting , it was a extreme 90 days based in home training program, with ton of workout to do at home, and a hot shot nutritionist dedicated to make program for you, they even had a free fitness consultation number their so i called them. They really seemed to know a lot about the anatomy of a body , and nutrition and all that stuff. I have been of this program for a a little over 2 months, My body is finally talking a shape, i still have a long way to go but the way does look promising. I did all this by workout out and eating right . No crazy pills , crash diet , or stupid creams, my hard work. the workout includes ton of workouts styles including Yoga attack or as people like to call POWER YOGA . But you kinda do have to be motivated and to follow this program as its not a cake walk, but if you do live through it then the results are worth the pain. They are a Canadian based company that recently started in India. I hope this ends your quest to loose weight effectively . here is their web link if you want to get more info
參考: personal experience
2008-12-02 9:06 am
You can safely loose up to 2lbs per week so in an average month 8.6 lbs. You didn't say what your current diet is like or how much you weigh? The bigger you are the easier it will be to drop weight and Viceversa.
Loosing weight is simple maths:you need to burn more calories than you consume. Most people go on about metabolism but if you sit around all day then your metabolism will be lower than when you exercise!!
If you are overweight then eating plenty of healthy food (not eating slows your metabolisum down loads!)including fruit and veg and opt for whole grains i.e whole wheat pasta, brown rice, this will keep blood sugar levels steady. Cut out the rubbish i.e crisps cake chocolate.... they are full of E numbers, preservatives and chemicals.. ...they are no good for you! do eat but something healthy.... that will keep you full for a while. If you eat rubbish foods you are likely to crave them also... this will go if you eat healthily for a while. You can loose weight without feeling hungry at all!
Finally make sure you try and do some exercise to get your heart pumping. Start off slowly if you don't already exercise, do it regularly and you will begin to enjoy exercise. Also try and find something you enjoy i.e swimming, Volley ball, help looking after horses, dancing, jogging, gymnastics or even earn cash while you get fit. i.e a paper round, walking peoples dogs.. car washing. All these burn a lot of calories.
You need to think about healthy lifestyle choices rather than "loosing weight"
Best of luck Candy xx

Oh and drink PLENTY of water!
2008-12-02 8:45 am
The best rate of weight reduction is about 1 lb a week. Any faster rate will only come from reduction of lean body mass (muscle mass) or by dehydration. The best way to lose weight safely is to reduce energy intake by eating less and at the same time do some regular exercise to increase energy expenditure. I usually recommend a reduction of 500 calories a day. Half of that should come from eating less, the other half should come from exercise. Exercise is the key to keep the target weight once you have lost it, otherwise you can easily gain it back.

I hope it helps
參考: I'm a kinesiologist
2008-12-02 8:45 am
Crash Diet.

Tha Dark CHocolate, ive been on it for one day so far and ive lost 4 pounds. YOu have to have it for breakfast lunch dinner and snacks and you can eat up to 3 bars. You get sick of it though. And you can only drink water and black coffee but it works wonders.

Cabbage Soup, just eat cabbage soup, raw cabbage, boiled cabbage for however long you like.

Grapefruit. You can either eat only grapefruit or just add it to your diet. Its works either way!.

Starvation works but it is slow to work as your body goes into starvation mode.
參考: Me
2008-12-02 8:40 am
I used Nutrisystem and lost about 14 pounds in the first 30 days. I know it sounds like an advertisement, but it's not. I would also suggest drinking green tea in addition to healthy eating and obviously exercise. The green tea will help you burn fat because of all the nutrients in it.
2008-12-02 8:39 am
Ok work out how many carbs you eat a day on average. After this change your diet around to small meals but eat regularly at least every 3-4 hours with at least a snack such as an apple this keeps your metabolism running at a faster rate. Also try doing a bit of cardio in the morning and after noons such as running, jogging or skipping. Keep your carbs low depending on what you already eat and cut out sugary foods such as sugar on your cereal and stop drinking coke etc. This is by far the most effective way to lose weight quickly. Also if you can handle it have cold showers.
2008-12-02 8:37 am
Well, it's hard to know without knowing what kinds of food you eat. But if you eat ANY junk food (soda pop, fast food, pre-prepared meals), cut it out entirely. If you have been consuming these products regularly, you'll be surprised how much weight you lose just by getting rid of them. Also you can do some walking or jogging as a regular exercise.

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