
2008-12-03 5:17 am
Have any mistakes or grammar mistakes below sentence?

I would like to see your baby.

回答 (4)

2008-12-03 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
I would like to see your baby. <--------Correct
I don't think you'd use the word " mistakes" twice.
Try this:
Are there any mistakes in the sentence below?<--------------------

2008-12-03 12:42 pm
" I would like to see your baby."..nothing wrong if asked by doctors/nurses ect,.but general you would say: can i see the baby !? ^_^

Is the below sentence spelling and grammatically correct ?

2008-12-03 04:51:20 補充:
typo la.. "general=generally " O(∩_∩)O哈哈~
2008-12-03 6:22 am
I would like to see your baby.

呢句文法上ok無問題, 但唔係太禮貌囉, 你可以話May I see your baby?

另外, 你個問題有d問題, 應該話:

Are there mistakes or grammatical mistakes in the setence below?
2008-12-03 5:29 am
在I would like to see your baby. 沒有問題。

但"Have any mistakes or grammar mistakes below sentence? "就錯了。
是"Is there any mistake or grammar mistake for the sentence?"才對
參考: 我

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