[英文] 下個學年我想做圖書館管理員 英文點講?

2008-12-02 9:42 pm
下個學年我想做圖書館管理員 英文點講?

回答 (9)

2008-12-02 9:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I want to be the next semester's librarian.
Can I please be the next semester's librarian?

Additional Information 附加資料:
- I will try my best to complete my duties. Such as...(keep the books in order, educate the students to keep books clean, keep the student quiet in the library, etc.)
- I know I perfect for this role because ( I have a passion for books, i understand how the library works and I have good peronsality)

參考: 自己
2008-12-05 4:17 am
I want to be the school librarian in the next semester.
參考: 網址
2008-12-04 5:18 am
I am xxx . I want to be a librarians . I also will try my best to do this joy.and I hope I can help all the pupils too.^.^
除了上述之外你還可以做一D<功夫>,sush as 如果是同學選的話,你可以對同學有禮D,令他們喜歡你,這他們便會選你la!!^^
如果是老師選的話,你可以經常去help他們,上堂專心D,答多D問題,then they will like you and choose you to be librarians
又或者你可以直接同老師講:I hope I can be librarians

2008-12-03 21:20:26 補充:
I want to be librarians next school year會好D
參考: me^^
2008-12-03 5:54 am
The next school year, I want to librarians
參考: me~
2008-12-03 5:02 am
Miss______(Teacher Name) I'd like to be the school librarian
next school term.

If she ask Why?
1. Because I want to service the school.

You can say this if you like.
1. I will try my best to do it.
參考: Me
2008-12-03 1:16 am

The next school year I want to be the librarian
2008-12-02 11:33 pm
Iwant to be the school librarian in the next semester
2008-12-02 11:28 pm
如果同老師或校長講, 要禮貌啲, 比較好 :
I would like to be the school librarian next school term.
2008-12-02 10:20 pm
I want to be a librarian for next school year.

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