
2008-12-02 7:04 pm

回答 (3)

2008-12-09 4:51 am

根據天文台的數據,香港的氣溫由於高密度的城市發展,令熱量更難於夜間釋放,故氣溫的上升速度要比全球平均速度更高,估計到本世紀末,香港會錄得攝氏3.5度的升幅。(HKO, 2004) 另外,維多利亞港的水平面在過去五十年每年平均上升2.3亳米,較全球平均水平1-2亳米為高。(明報,2006/2/13)


2008-12-03 12:48 am
There are huge impact on HK
1) the average air temperature in HK will go up and he will face hotter summer and no winter in HK

2) as the melt of ice cape, the sea level will rise up. some low area will permenantly covered by sea water and more flooding will occur

3) As the sea water temperature will rise up in pacific ocean, more typhoon will be expected to be influence HK

4) As no cold winter in HK, more tropical diesea such as dengue fever may be occured in HK

5) ecosystem in HK will be chaotic, such as shift of flowering and pollination period due to the change in air temperature

6) As the change in global air temp., the global weather pattern will be changed, such as some area will have higher rainfall and some have lower. That will change in food production
2008-12-02 7:41 pm
參考: 個人意見

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