Performance appraisal和SMART Objective有什麼關係?

2008-12-02 6:00 pm
Performance appraisal和SMART Objective有什麼關係?

回答 (1)

2008-12-03 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Performance appraisal is a process. A manager measures the performance of employees through this process.
At the beginning of the process, the manager agrees some SMART objectives with the employee. SMART objectives are the standard of performance that the employee is expected to reach and are written down in the first part of the performance appraisal form.
At the end of the process, the manager refers to the SMART objectives on the performance appraisal form and assesses the performance of the employee. Then the manager gives comments on the performance of the employee (e.g. excellent, good, satisfactory, poor) in the second part of the performance appraisal form.
In addition, the manager recommends some areas of development for the employee in the last part of the performance appraisal form.
Then the manager repeats the above process with the employee for the next cycle.

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