How would I go about making a website?

2008-12-01 7:29 pm
I am extremely good at drawing. I would really like to start a website targeted at young girls, very young. Like 8-preteen age. I am good at drawing and I would really like to use that talent to bring the website to life. It will be educational as well as entertaining. I want it to have games they can play and stuff but I don't know how to do that. It will also feature articles they can read... etc. I just think that girls these days have bad influences from society in general. It seems all they care about are material things like who is prettier or who has nicer clothes. This website would force them to concentrate on more important things such as world events. Of course there will be a very girly element to it as well such as fashion. However, that part will focus on teaching them REASONABLE fashion. It would educate them on dressing respectively/modestly while still looking good and presentable. I think it would really increase girls self-confidence. They would earn points by playing games, educational games, and with these points they can get new things to add to perhaps like a character or something? I don't know yet i havent' really thought it out but how do i start? do i have to pay for a website?

Thanks guys so far I have really good answers!

回答 (4)

2008-12-02 12:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Things you'll need before putting the website online:
1. a domain name - which you'll need to pay because for a site like yours, you don't want to be using You need your own domain name for marketing purposes.

2. a website with a decent hosting plan - you might not have that many visitors in the beginning, but you need to know that when you do, your website and web host can accommodate and scale to your site's new needs. The worse is you spend time and money on a huge marketing campaign only to find out your hosts as a low cap on traffic usage and your website is shut down. For this, I'd go for a pay-hosting plan.

3. Use Joomla or other similar CMS as your base. Because you'll be having multimedia, user registration and management, "featured" articles, and other stuff going on on your website later on, a CMS would make life much easier later on. With such an ambitious website, build it as if it's intended to be something big. Don't build it so it's ok for now, because you never know when you need to expand your website and when that happens, whatever you do needs to be quick. Your visitors (especially girls that age) doesn't have the patience to sit and wait for you to upgrade/update the site. Usually with a CMS, you'll need a hosting plan with advanced scripting capabilities, so again, you'll be looking for pay hosting services.

4. Content - You'll need at least a handful of good decent feature articles already-written and ready to go by the time your website launches. You'll also need to be prepared to crank out at least a few month's worth of content until you find someone else to help you.

5. Marketing - you need visitors to sustain a website like this, and you'll probably need to advertise on popular website frequently visited by girls in that age group. Because young kids don't spend as much time online as older kids, you might also need to find traditional marketing channels (ie. local paper, local hangouts, etc.)

A website like this requires a lot of planning and hard work. Good Luck!
2008-12-01 7:35 pm
Well there are lots of free web hosting sites on the net.

But the address for your site will be something like

You have to pay for the sites that will be .......but they arent that expensive really.

It sounds like you got some good ideas....but making them happen is a whole 'nother story. Id suggest you go to a free website hosting site and set up an account there.

Then you'll need to start learning some basic HTML......or you can use the free tools on the site to help you out (most do have free tools)......But i'd suggest trying to learn at least some of the basics.

And if you ever see somethin neat you like on a web can usually View the pages Source.......find the HTML you want and copy it...then put it in your own page.
2008-12-01 8:13 pm
Seeing as how the other guys already told you how to get started I will tell you what you will need to learn. HTML and CSS are the first step just for the basic structure and look of the web page. Flash and JavaScript will be needed for the games you want to put up, unless you plan to use some premade ones. PHP will be another thing you will need to pass information between you and the users; such as, logins, forums, etc.

HTML and CSS will be very easy to learn.
This book is great in helping you get started creating your first web pages. It is an easy read with pictures to help you better understand.

Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML -
參考: I hope you are able to create this website of yours. It sounds like a real good idea. It will be difficult to start, but will surly be worth the effort.
2008-12-01 7:39 pm
You have to pay for a domain name and web hosting. The domain name is the name of the site and you also have to get someone to provide internet space for you. if you want to design your own site, Microsoft Frontpage and Publisher are pretty OK or there's Serif Web Plus. In each programme there should be an option somewhere to publish your site to the web. Before you can do this you have to have a domain name and a place on the web to hold your site. I don't know of any sites but a quick google search should give you plenty of answers. Domains vary in price, but you normally have to pay a small fee per year or month, it's the hosting that costs quite a lot. I'm no expert on the subject but thats the basics. If you want to start with a free site the most common is You get a free webiste and hosting but you get what's called a subdomain where the URL consists of your site name and the hoster's name. ie. Hope this helps and good luck with your site!! Send me a pm or email if you have anymore quieries, I sign on every day!

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