How to become a citizen of the Republic of China.?

2008-12-01 2:36 pm
I am a American Chinese, how do I apply for citizenship of the Republic of China.

回答 (3)

2008-12-01 3:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Are you off your head or something
2008-12-01 4:59 pm
If you are correct about the words you used,

Taiwan is the last stronghold of Republic of China - ROC since 1949. ROC ruled all of China from 1912~1949.

Mainland is called People's Republic of China - PRC established in 1949 after the civil war.

So you want to be a citizen of ROC. Even though Taiwan's constitution said they are the legit government of all of China....However, ROC is not recognized by the international community(not UN, not majority countries).
2008-12-01 2:41 pm
Go to the Chinese Embassy and ask for political asylum.

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