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Are you joking ? Even you take a domestic flight in travelling all the cities, you can hardly complete the itinerary within 6 days, now you say that you wish to take the trip by self-driving, you're really a superman.......... 。 2 years ago, I also drove all these 4 cities in 3 weeks time (of course I stayed each city 2 or 3 days) I was graduated from UNSW, Sydney.
So far as I can recall:
(driving hours)
1. Melbourne - Sydney - 11 hours
2. Sydney- Gold Coast - 8~9 hours
3. Gold Coast- Brisbane- 1hour
4. Brisbane-Melbourne - over 24 hours
我平均當時行車時速 80kmph,高速公路(expressway)上很多警察捉快車,出動雷射,偽裝,直昇機,仲叻過捉賊。請記著澳洲公路,又長又直,望不到尾,長途駕車易打瞌。安全第一,祝你好運。