My Favourite Movie

2008-12-02 5:12 am

回答 (1)

2008-12-07 4:59 am
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You may write about the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. To begin your speech, you can say:Hello everyone, Today I'd like to talk about my favorite movie, called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The main characters include Charlie, a good boy, from a very poor family. He loves chocolate; Willy Wonka, the owner of the biggest chocolate factory; and fournaughty children. One of them is from Germany, very fat and greedy; anotherboy is very cleaver but impolite and stubborn; a girl from England isrich, wants whatever she likes, never satisfied; and another girl always wants to be number 1.The story is about WillyWonka, the head of the biggest chocolate company, announces a contestin which 5 gold tickets have been hidden in chocolate bars and sentthroughout the world. Anyone who finds the gold ticket can visit hisfactory, which is actually another contest. Charlie and 4 other richbut naughty children find the tickets and join the contest. As those 4children are naughty in different ways, they finally lose the contest.Charlie's prize is that he can become Willy Wonka's successor.My favorite part is that Charlie gets a chocolate bar as his birthdaypresent. He hopes to see a gold ticket inside but there is none. He isquite sad, but he is willing to share the little thing he has with hisfamily. That part is touching. He is a really good boy.What I have learnt from the movie is that money is not everything. Only good children are respected, and parents should not spoil children.

2008-12-06 21:03:14 補充:
The main characters include Charlie, who a good boy, from a very poor family. He loves chocolate. Another main character is Willy Wonka, who is the owner of the biggest chocolate factory; and four naughty children ...

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