英國遊學團有關HOST FAMILY既野!

2008-12-01 9:56 pm
同埋呢,如果我住HOST FAMILY,可唔可以帶電腦過去用?會唔會好危險,驚會唔見?
同埋住HOST FAMILY有冇話要你夜晚幾點之前一定要返屋企~
只係係香港WALL STREET到讀緊英文

回答 (2)

2008-12-05 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are following EF to England, I think it is ok, but not perfect...
EF is a big company, and if you go to UK in summer, you can meet EF students in the town almost everywhere...
But sometimes, the service of the staffs are not very good as they are not very helpful...
But the class is really GREAT!!! I mean in the international class, you can really make friends with foreigners!!It's wonderful!!!
AND don't forget to join the EF Disco!!!!!!!

For host families, it really depends on your luck...I lived in a VERY NICE host...the best among my team I guess...I share a big room with 2 other roommates and we even got a TV in our room!! We did not bring computer there, but if you need, you can ask your host family if they are nice...
And my host mum is very very nice and helpful, no matter when you came back home, she would wait for you before she went for sleeping!!!
Miss her so much!!!
My host mum is a single parent with 2 daughters , but she is even better than some full family host!! SO, don't mind single parent host...

For destination, I suggest Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol or Edinburg, because there are some famous universities and give you a better study mood!!
Even you are not a student anymore, but you will feel much younger when you arrive there!!
(I am still a student, but I also saw a lot of non-students in some other EF tours...)
參考: Joined EF Oxford tour in summer 2008, wonderful!!
2009-12-09 2:21 pm
寄住家庭不單只有你一間學校的學生,還有其他不知名的男人,一個女孩子就要小心了, 因為,所有寄住家庭的房間都沒有鎖的,完全沒有私穩可言,他們可以隨時入你房偷野

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