
2008-12-01 8:10 pm
點可以識多d vocabulary的字

回答 (4)

2008-12-01 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
vocabulary係解字彙; 語彙; 用字範圍

●noun: computers, televisions, parks, trees, flowers

●verb: play, sleep, swim, walk, run

●adjective: good, bad, hard, easy, happy

●adverb: happily, hardly, carefully, carelessly, politely

●preposition: between, on, into, above, over
參考: 我的知識
2008-12-01 10:41 pm
總括黎講....vocab 就係一d自己唔熟或者未見過既英文詞語....
參考: 自己
2008-12-01 8:22 pm
vocabulary is anykind of words. "is", "buy", "sit", "dog", "he", "by" are all vocabularies, so yes, they do appear in sentences. Basically, every word in here are vocabularies. To learn more vocabularies, I suggest you to read, you can find some english songs that you like and sing along with the lyrics, and you can also watch english movies and so on.

Hope I helped. =]
2008-12-01 8:21 pm
-vocabulary解釋: 字彙,語彙,單字集
-example:Wide reading will increase your vocabulary.(博覽群書會增加你的詞彙量。)



hope can help you& choose me Please!
參考: me

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