
2008-12-01 7:13 pm


本人一直心儀貴校, 亦十分欣賞貴校的課程及教學方式, 覺得非常適合本人的小朋友, 所以當得知貴校招取09-10年度新生時, 本人就立即替小朋友報名. 失望地, 上星期只收到被列入"後備"的信件.

貴校乃本人為小朋友惟一一間報讀的幼稚園, 希望能多給一個機會, 給小女一個09-10年度k1的學位.

如蒙不棄, 萬分感謝..




回答 (2)

2008-12-01 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr. (or Miss / Mrs.) Principal,

Re : Application

I have long been favoring in your esteemed School for its unique curriculum and style of educating its students. I feel that your School is a perfect school for my child to study at in order to obtain the best education of her childhood.

When I was aware that your esteemed School was recruiting new students for the school year of 2009-2010, I applied immediately for my child. Unfortunately, my child was only offered a stand by status last week.

Since I have only applied to your School as the one and only one kindergarten for my child, I sincerely wish that the School can grant us one more chance for my girl to be one of the K1 students in your school for the year 2009 to 2010.

If we are granted the precious chance, I ensure that we will do our best to cope with the curriculum and co-operate with the School for its unique style of education.

Attached please find the copy of the “Notice of stand by status” for my girl (Maria Wong) for your reference.

With sincerity,

Karen Wong
(Parent of Maria Wong)

2008-12-01 11:40:45 補充:
Hi, please note that we do not need to put 各位老師 in your letter since the letter is only targeted to be seen by the person or committee who is responsible for recruiting new student. Hence using 校長 is enough.
參考: Myself
2008-12-04 6:09 am
Sends principal and fellow teachers,

Myself have admired your school, also appreciates your school the curriculum and the teaching way, thought that is suitable myself the child, when therefore knew that your school incurs when takes 09-10 year new students, myself immediately for child registration. , Only received last week disappointedly is included " Reserve " Letter.

Your school is myself the preschool which reads for the child only newspaper, hoped that can give an opportunity, for my daughter one 09-10 year k1 degree.

If Mongolia is not abandoned, extremely thanks.

(along with letter enclosed my daughter " Reserve written notice transcription ")

I herewith offer


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