what is the answer to 4+4= ?

2008-11-30 2:20 pm
and why?

回答 (13)

2008-11-30 2:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
fur pus for eqal ate.
2008-11-30 2:25 pm
4 + 4 = 8
This is common sense..!!! :S:S:S:S:S
2008-11-30 3:55 pm
4+ 4 = 8.
2008-11-30 2:56 pm
Some would say 44.

However, to take your question seriously, it is 8 because of how we count. Each number in a sequence generated by adding 1 to the previous number must have a different name so it can be recognized. This necessary convention gives us the series of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.

Thus the number "n" not only expresses its place in the sequence 1,2 ......n, but also tells us the number of numbers in the set 1→n.
This is the basis of addition.

The symbol "8" represents the 8th number in the sequence from 1 and also represents the number of symbols in the set 1→ 8.

You can generate "8" by counting upward from 4 by adding 1 each time. Then count the number of times you have added 1 and you will find you have done so 4 times.

2008-11-30 2:53 pm
yeah this an easy one if you have 4 apples and add another 4 apples to it it will equal 8 apples
2008-11-30 2:47 pm
I guess 8
2008-11-30 2:40 pm
4 + 4 = x
4/4 + 4/4 = x/4
1 + 1 = x/4
x/4 + x/4 = x^2/16
2x/4 = x^2/16
x^2 - (16*(2x/4)) = 0
x^2 - 32x/4 = 0
x^2 - 8x = 0
x(x - 8) = 0
x = 8
2008-11-30 2:34 pm
4 + 4
= 8
2008-11-30 2:33 pm
4 + 4 = 8 (eight)
2008-11-30 2:28 pm
2008-11-30 2:26 pm
Because that's what I got in my calculator.
Try punching your calculator to reaffirm the answer.

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