(14m) to the power of 0 - 8n to the power of zero?

2008-11-30 9:00 am
would the answer be 0, because anything to the power of 0 equals 1 and 1 - 1 = zero. or are the m's and n's not affected, leaving m-n?

回答 (5)

2008-11-30 9:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let me assume your question to have (8n)^ 0.

Yes, you are right. But make sure m and n are not zeros..
0^0 is not defined.

That is if m ≠ 0 and n ≠ 0, the answer is 0.

2008-11-30 9:16 am
The answer depends upon how your equation was written, about which you were not particularly specific. Hence, I will answer the problem for each likely scenario:

-If the equation is written as (14m)^0 - (8n)^0, the exponent of zero affects all of the terms inside the parenthesis, making the equation equivalent to 1 - 1 = 0.

-If the equation is written as 14m^0 - 8n^0, then the exponent of zero affects only the variables over which it is written, m and n, making the equation equivalent to 14(1) - 8(1) = 6.

-If the equation is written as (14m)^0 - 8n^0, then you use a combination of the two properties I used in the previous two scenarios, making the equation equivalent to 1 - 8(1) = -7.

The m's and n's will be affected, but the importance of knowing how the equation was written is whether or not the coefficients will be affected as well. If the power of zero applies to the chunks, 14m and 8n, then each chunk will become 1, but if the power of zero applies only to the variables, m and n, then only the variables will become one, and will then multiply with their respective coefficients.
2008-11-30 9:10 am
Wait, you spelled it out too much. (14m^0)-8n^0 is that it? Because parentheses are wonderful things and I don't know where your exponent ends. It could very well be 14m^0-8n but I'm assuming that the first one is correct. Anything risen to the ^0 is one, so you have a fancy way of saying 1-1=0. The variables m and n make no difference, any number raised to ^0=1.

2008-11-30 10:07 am
(14m)^0 - 8n^0
= 1 - 8(1)
= 1 - 8
= -7
2008-11-30 9:12 am

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